topping while preflowering


Well-Known Member

The main reason for pruning is that it helps to develop the growing branches, allowing you to directly control the shape of the plant. Each time you clip off a growing tip, two new tips start developing from the nearest leaf axil. By pruning the tips of the upper branches, you also give the lower branches a little time to catch up. When the lower branches catch up, the plant forms a flatter top and the light is able to reach more growing tips.

The occasional clipping of a growing tip will not seriously affect the growth or health of the plant, providing you don't repeat this too often, or clip of more than just the top two leaves. The clipped branches always require a few days to repair the damage before resuming vegetative growth, so you shouldn't clip them again within a week or so of the previous clipping. Seedlings should also not be pruned, allowing them a little time to build up the energy required for repairing plant tissue.


Well-Known Member
The ones Ive seen were trained to grow that way from an early age when the stem was bendy.

If your stem has gone woody dont even try it lol. It could break.

In that case it would be better to tie over the growing tips. That will cause a hormone shift within the plant and tell it to grow like a bush instead of a X-mas tree.


Active Member
awesome...thanx alot xare..its deff woody i jus neva expected it to get so big..i neva had one get so tall so soon


Well-Known Member
I have one plant that was obviously going to get too big under an eight foot ceiling. I started off by FIMing it twice, and have since supercropped it twice more.

A pic...View attachment 1038160

Anyway, if the plant hasn't gone into full flower, consider FIMing your top buds.

This will cause the buds to be more massive, but not quite as long.

It shouldn't affect yield much, either way.


Active Member
thanx veggie..see i wasnt sure about fiming again cuz its preflowering n i didnt knw if id loose yield but its worth not gettin busted