Topsy Turvy Tomato Grow Attempt With Pics


Well-Known Member
so this is my grow. had some problems. one being; when the wind blows the pants swing. and the stem of the one is gettin chewed up as you can see in one of the pics so i have it tied as you can also see and hopefully that will work. and as you notice they like to obey orders. considering the orders im giving them are the absolute opposite of what they belief in. im kinda like a musslini or hitler lol not really tho

leave your thought and advice is always welcome



Well-Known Member
nop it says in very well but that stem problem on that one is getting alot worse they are starting to wilt now


So that tomato grows from the bottom of the hanging pot? Very kool. Got to try that next year. What kind of yields do you expect??


Well-Known Member
I made one of those this year too. I used a 5gal pot drilled a 2" hole in center. I used a neoprene collar to hold the clone in place. 3 chains off the top to a ring and it was done. So far it's doing fine but I don't have a plant big enough to fruit yet.

If I make another one I think I will put a netpot in upside down with the bottom cut off. That should create a nice locking hold between the collar and pot.

Cap'n Jack

Drill 5 or 10 drainage holes in the bottom of s 5 gallon bucket and grow them right side up.

My buckets are smoking my neighbors topsy turvey.

The Potologist

Active Member
Yeah my neighbor actually called them and sounded like he was having a mild nervious break down over the growth of his topsy turvys. I grow all my vegtables organically with only organic compost, and my whole garden is twice the size of his. Moreso, he has 8 tomato topsy's. All 8 of his tomato plants are about a 1/3 of the size of mine. We are both growing from the same packet of seeds.....I guess another one on the chalk bored for the marketing wizards. Curiousty SUCKS :) I almost bought one to try to grow a plant in them just out of glad I
disregarded that idea :)

Peace, Love, and Happiness


Well-Known Member
I'm still not completely opposed to the idea, I think it would be a good way to maximize light usage, even if the yield of the upside down ones is 1/3 less, thats still 30% more crop with the same type of light, FlourPower, let me know how yours work out for you using the net, especially soil and water droppage, as I need to consider that before putting one over a fluro...