comp.jpg pk 8-3.jpg 080310 upk8-3013.jpg Heres a few shots for comparison. The three in front are all purple kush clones from the same mother plant (put outside the same day) using the exact same nutes. A waste of time??? you be the judge...


Well-Known Member
Goddamn! I need to get me some of that...

/I need to use the topsyturvy I bought...but damn, it's a little too late for that this season...:(


Well-Known Member
good shit man, i was goin to try a few this year but didnt happy to try them next year, awesome i saw this, lookin forward to seein the harvest! nice job!


Well-Known Member
Im going to do this but im going to use fish weights till the bud hits the ground..I want to see how much the plant will grow straight down ...


Well-Known Member
Nice man! I saw that Rite-Aid in my area was selling the Topsyturvy for $5 ea. Picked up a couple and will be storing it for next season. :)


Active Member
I see, that should be just as good as a topsy turvey, holds 4 gal. of soil. Not too sure if it was necessary to have it upside down, but seems like it will still be effective.

Yo! I think all of the Nor Cal Cannabis enthusiasts need to hang plenty of these bitches out in the wild on as many trees as we can. Why not? Now that we see it can work well, we should try it out! I know I am next season :)

Hellll yea man, That one is actually in my backyard, I live with the parentals still, and have been searching for a stealth method of growing, thought that one was pretty clever. Also just set up my top dresser drawer for a plant, seeds are coming tomorrow, might as well make use of em this season


Well-Known Member
Haha! Nice.. Till mom tries to put the socks away. ;)

My mom got a wild hair up her ass and bought plungers for the whole house at bed bath and beyond and wondered why my bathroom was locked and my cabinet was glowing..needless to say she massacred 9 plants....sad sad day for me :-(


Active Member
wow I feel fortunate, my mom finds my shit all the time and just throws a fit, the other day it was 40 clones inside my old car on the side of the house. Luckily they were my friends and I was able to get rid of them before d-day


Well-Known Member
I see, that should be just as good as a topsy turvey, holds 4 gal. of soil. Not too sure if it was necessary to have it upside down, but seems like it will still be effective.

Hellll yea man, That one is actually in my backyard, I live with the parentals still, and have been searching for a stealth method of growing, thought that one was pretty clever. Also just set up my top dresser drawer for a plant, seeds are coming tomorrow, might as well make use of em this season
Lol, yeah I live with my parents as well and grow my legal medicine in my closet as well as on a balcony/deck where I have my greenhouse. They're dealing with it more willingly now possibly cuz I'm their only daughter, or cuz I just turned 21, or cuz I finally got across to them the beneficial uses, or most likely because its legal in this state for me to do so.

However, I want to try this method cuz the possibilities for stealthy spots are numerous and in better climates than foggy-ass Northern side of the Golden Gate.