Total Guerilla Tactics


Active Member
This would be my first outdoor grow. I plan to plant 20 seeds (or seedlings) in relatively remote to very remote areas around my region. They will not be in gardens, they will be single plants. This eliminates the need to check for males, as they won't be cross pollinating, unless they're hermies and then :-P, free seeds for next year!

I plan to use lowryder 2, ten seeds, and possibly cheese, feminized, also ten seeds.

The LR is just so i can get some for the summer. The cheese is so I can get a ton of bud.

I don't plan to put much effort in, I'm not selling it or anything, it's totally for personal use and friends. So, if we want to get higher, we'll just smoke more.

I won't be using nutes as the town's compost pile is incredible, i grew a 100 lb pumpkin in 4 months! Water won't be an issue for most of the plants based on their locations.

I plan to check on them at least once a month, twice a month or more while LR2 are growing.

Any suggestions?
put a fence up for wabbits and deer or?

slug bait pellets if you have slugs.

dont make a trail ,make a trip zone or better with dead trees or brush
Don't put them anywhere near your house, spread them way way out in the middle of no-where where hikers etc don't normally go and use a gps to mark their location, and stay away from them. Don't go checking them all the time and wearing trails straight to them.
most of the locations are out of reach of most animals, unless birds enjoy cannabis?
you would be surprised what mother nature is capeable of unless you got a couple grows under your belt.

maybey your area is good or maybey stuff will happen?

i cant tell from my lazy boy where your growing,,and where the hunters and wild life go but youll see if you got a good spot when YOU are carrying out your buds to your car that means you made it.:leaf:

im currently gg my plants they are in an open area free of man except for the odd kangaroo the best tool at my disposal is water storage crystals as long as it rains once a week theres no need to water meaning less chance of getting caught

It's nice to see people planning on checking up once or twice a month. I've never done an outdoor grow, but plan to, and that's what I would like to do.

Everyone else says you have to visit them once every 3-5 days. I'm like WTF? Use water crystals and some coco, the plant will be fine unless you get a massive drought. How would the plant survive in nature if it needed to be watered every three days?
hydro shops will know if they dont have em - other than that bigger or specialist garden centres id presume