total newb needs help


Active Member
Ok, I am trying to grow my own personal plant for myself in my closet. The closet isn't that big 5x5 or 4x4. I also want to try to grow this the most efficiently (quickest if possible) and organically if possible. What are the things im gonna need to make a small little grow box or where can i get one? Also what are the steps to grow the way i am trying to? Can i do aero?


What to do: Read the stickys and FAQ before asking questions about what to do for everything :) those should tell you all about aero, organic and other types of growing and growing in general. If you decide to grow one specific way check out the forums devoted to that way of growing. - Sativuh


Well-Known Member
yea dude you should do some research, but if you want the quickest go 12/12 from seed, and try to pack as much in their as you can.


Active Member
well i know the difference between aero and hydro and i have been on this site for hours just looking through things and have learned alot of small stuff already, i just want a personal solo plant though, not a couple and i def want to go organic. the reason im asking rather than searching is the stickies i saw didn't help me that much and id really like if i got like all that stuff (wanting to grow 1 plant organically quickly and if 1 can be done aero i wanna go that route) in just 1 big thing.


Well-Known Member
for which part? the pot your going to use or how to build the whole closet?

1. is odor a problem?
2. DO you need stealth?
3. will you use named seeds?


Active Member
the whole closet for just 1 personal plant
like the lights (wanna use LED is recommended)
the nutrients

odor might be a problem cause the closet is next to my door and its in my parents house
i will most prob need stealth but my parents arent very strict
and im using seeds i got over time (10 seeds total)


Well-Known Member
You may wish to find a grow tent or cabinet to fit into the closet. You will have to control the light totally which includes 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness. I also would have a cabinet or tent because controlling the intake and exhaust can be a nightmare for smell control and fresh air..

Otherwise i suggest you search for someone that has already done what you are planning to do. I found someone doing exactly what i was wanting to do on google. then i just copied what i liked about his design.


Get a 5 gallon planter and fill it with top soil, make sure that it has no nutrients in it (MiracleGro = Acidic) and it should be pH neutral. A cheaper way to go than LED's that I use is CFL's which are easily obtainable (e.g you can buy them anywhere) get 4-5 CFL's depending on the wattage. More wattage = better. As for odor, get one of those febreeze things that you plug into the wall and it releases the spray ever 15 minutes. Good luck on the grow :)


You don't really need a specific cabinet, just a small wooden box that you can regulate temperature, airflow and light well enough in. I'm at my friends and he has a stealth grow going in a mini fridge.


Well-Known Member
build a grow room out of pvc. not very informative i know but look up diy dark room, diy grow room on google. youll get a lotta hits. im making my own tonight.