Total NEWWWBEEE needs to know if y'all think these girls are cookin'?

I am a newb to the growing seen also. From what I've been reading, it look like you have a bit to go. Hopefully someone will chime in that has more of a clue. Have you picked up a cheap microscope to check out the trichomes yet? Looking good and be patient. It will pay off.


Well-Known Member
I am a newb to the growing seen also. From what I've been reading, it look like you have a bit to go. Hopefully someone will chime in that has more of a clue. Have you picked up a cheap microscope to check out the trichomes yet? Looking good and be patient. It will pay off.
Yep...Paid a whopping $13 for my lighted microscope and my trichomes are clear. Just checked the temp in my newly made green house and it's been at a constant 70* tonight in it and in the low 60's I'm happy about that so far. My electric bill will probably be up there this month but I figure maybe another three weeks if I'm lucky on two of the three plants and probably five weeks on the other.... but I'm just guessing.


Looking good Bro.I force flower any plants early that i think might not finish in time.You might be luck.Looks good.


Well-Known Member
Looking good Bro.I force flower any plants early that i think might not finish in time.You might be luck.Looks good.
Thanks how can I speed things along. didn't know it was possible. I did build my three girls a pot..I mean, hot which I'm sure is helping if I keep the humidity down so they don't get moldy on me... I'm also feeding them these nutes and wondered if I should increase one of them or not to help speed things along yes/no? Whats the trick? More if the BIG BLOOM nute??


Well-Known Member
Anyone know how smart it is..or isn't to use one of those biggish dehumidifiers like you see Sears selling cause that what I already happen to have. If you look at the green house I made in the photos several posts back it's getting kinda humid in there. It's up to about 60-70%. It's damp enough as it is in a greenhouse like I made but it's also been raining on and off quite a bit and more rain on the way next week. I'm thinking I need about 3 +- more weeks to bring my girls where they need to be to harvest. My set up is only temporary just to buy me a few more weeks.
Should I just open and close the flap on the tent I made to keep airing it out or put my biggish dehumidifier in there and set'r on 40%??
Today was my first full day using my home made greenhouse. I have a heater in there and the temp in the greenhouse was up around 80*..when I stuck my head in there for the first time all I could think was HOLY SHIT! Did it ever reek of ganja like I never smelled before...WOWZA! I think I could live in



hey man beautiful pics...just wanted to say when ur looking at ur tri's they will start clear turn milky then start turning amber....opinions vary but when you see bout 50/50 milky and amber its good time to harvest... your close dude now ya just got to wait a lil longer looks like 4 weeks to me depending on strain

Keep on keep'n on


Id just open your flaps during the day that will get the humidity out....ur heater may be raising it but if ya need it...ya need it lol and those dehumidifiers work good inside but with how ur green house is like a screen room might not work so good cause its not a sealed room....ive only done a few crops but experimentation teachs alot but be carefull experimenting with nutes a little bit to much can hurt ur ladies


I think cold front is on it's way toward you man. I hope you're prepared and good luck. Your babies look great. Please tell me Christie won't run.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing the one in the red-rimmed pot will be ready pretty soon. The other ones might take a month or more.


Well-Known Member
Thanks people...yeh..I know it's gonna get cold tonight's spose to go down to about 50ish but I think my green house is working really well. Just wouldn't wanna keep that heater going for much longer than a few week$ or however long it'$ gonna take cau$e it'$ gotta be co$ting a fortune. the things we do for our
Pretty cool looking at the trichs through my microscope. The dude at Radio Shack asked what it was for...I'm pretty sure he knew...I said for my little nephew...nosey MF' Funny too b/c looking at the reviews of it on the Radio Shack website...more than half the reviewers said right out..or insinuated it was for their One dude even posted a trich photo.

I'm sure hoping it ain't another month...three weeks'd be good..but it am what it am so....and yeh..I'm looking to let em go just past the opaque stage. Maybe when I see em' just starting to darken a drop.
The seeds btw are from Negril Jamaica : ))~~~~~

This should keep me from having to buy any ganja for a good long while I hope. Shits far too expense. ...and who the fuck wants to buy grams? Back in the day the only thing we bought in grams was hash. a fucking gram of weed?? I just hadda grow my own. You know..personal responsibility and all a

Regarding Christie..I wonder if that fat fuck is a stoner...he looks like he not only eats everything thats in the fridge..but looks like he eats the fridge itself....course I did read somewhere recently that people that smoke ganja are the least likely to be obese. OK dig this..I just found it in of all things a Christian rag...hahahaha How funny is that?? hahahaha.

Well...I'm hoping not to have to use my dehumidifier but I might try it during the day for a few hours and keep a close look on it to $ee how it work$ if necessary. I want the very best for my girls.
How much am I gonna get outta these three plants? hmmmmmm I wish I had an idea.
Thanks for the replies y'all!!


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing the one in the red-rimmed pot will be ready pretty soon. The other ones might take a month or more.
Thanks canniboss. well if you think the one in the red pot will be ready soon than that means one of the ones in the green pots will too because they're almost exactly the same. The one in the other green pot is way behind so you're right about that...I was also thinking from the little I know that that one will go prolly another month.
It was just getting taller and taller and had no flowers on it. Had me wondering what was going on. I'm guessing maybe I shoulda pruned it b/c it was getting taller and not fuller like the other two were. Reckon this is how we learn, huh?

Gotta say too... I love the Fox Farms three bottle pack of nutes for soil I scored offa Amazon. Thats some good shit!! I saw obvious results. Wish I'd used it sooner'n learn.
Thanks much your avatar


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Hello abuilder:
You really don't have to worry about temps unless it will be below freezing. I grow under lights in an shop, and in the winter I add just enought heat to keep it around 40 duing "lights out". I also like to trim a sugar leaf to view with the microscope and put it on a table, way easier... I think you need at least 2 more weeks on the two and even more on the third. There is a good thread on when plants are done by fdd2blk in the harvest and curing section... check it out, you will be glad you did.

Oh and good work on the girls they look great.



Well-Known Member
Mucho thanx mustang....
Guess I won't worry as much about the heat. Seems to be at a constant 72+-* in the greenhouse I built with the radiator on inside it so I'll just leave it at that for the duration. Humidtiy level I just checked and it's around 65% so I'll keep my eyes on that. wish it were lower. When it warms up outside a bit I'll open up the flaps and air'r out some.

So what are the sugar leaves? I looked in the vocabulary thread here but it's not listed. Are those the tiny leaves that surround the flower/bud?....and they have trichomes on them?? I thought just the buds do. Could you explain tht part a bit more.

I'm pretty sure I read fdd2blk's harvest and curing thread but I'll go back and re-red it being I'm getting close now. Thing is...there's so much wealth of information here I become a bit over whelmed. some info sinks in while some hasn't...which is why I keep asking questions and re-reading some of those stickies...

I do have to say though..within the past month or so I've learned an enormous amt...and who'd a thought I'd actually go out and buy a I'm lovin'' it though for sure. It's becoming real addictive. Maybe thats what the man means when they say marijuana is addicting...hahaha


Well-Known Member
By looking at the hairs on the buds still being somewhat white I didn't think they could be done but looking at the trichs under my microscope they look like they're pretty much there (almost?). the glands/trichs are for sure milky colored boarding on almost amber.
Whatcha think??? Shouldn't the hairs surrounding the buds look more brownish if they were just about done?

The soil is still pretty damp but I'm thinking I should flush it out with clear water to get the nutes out?

Any thoughts go real appreciated about now!!!
Are my girls in false

I did cut off a bud from two of the plants that looked just about ready to me and I have them sitting on some foil over a space heater to dry them and give em' a try.:bigjoint:

