Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

Yeah but sometimes it is a bit much. Gandalf's refrain of EWC and then just water makes most sense in most scenarios. You really don't need any other emergency measures unless you over-limed severely or your compost is too raw in which case it will get ugly and only re-potting will help some.

What LOS has taught me is to put the plant in control. That is the no 1 big lesson I got, and it works. It works so well I am almost getting bored and doing stupid things like over-planting just to stay challenged.

An EWC top dress is gentle, and slowly adds life to the soil as you water it down. The clean water flushes out the nasties, if your soil drains nicely you can go pretty liberal as I have done before with no ill effect. So theory is to get excess dissolved solids and ionized particles out the soil, and allowing the micro herd to be replenished from the top. Root exudates will determine what dominates and the micro herd pulls everything back into place.

Will you please test the runoff's pH after your next water? Try get the 'mid stream' water. Best way is good old litmus paper, use a pipette or match stick to pick up a drop and drop it on the paper. DO NOT touch the paper to the water, you will get a very inaccurate reading as it thins the dye. Always drop onto litmus paper. This is the fastest way to get an indication of what is happening in soil pH. Not totally accurate, but a big difference up or down from the pH of water in indicates an extreme situtation...

Kap at Breedbay has some strong and interesting opinions about pH in organics that might surprise most of you. I will go look for the conversation and quote properly. Kap is a guru. I can't imagine running a room the size him and SHOE do...

This is incredible advice. There is some serious knowledge amongst this crew. kick ass.
Take care of yourself mate! That sounds pretty bad. It is the natural hallucinogens like fever and exhaustion that are the dangerous ones. You don't really want to walk on the line to the spirit world. DMT and acid you can look into it, but fever and exhaustion you are knocking on the door.

You sound really sick my friend. Take care and I hope this passes soon.
Some more pretty decent female counts, GG x Jo 9/11, ChemmyG 7/10... Pretty stoked! Hope all you cats are well. StOw, final verdict on the Zazen yet?... I am soooo curious.
Some more pretty decent female counts, GG x Jo 9/11, ChemmyG 7/10... Pretty stoked! Hope all you cats are well. StOw, final verdict on the Zazen yet?... I am soooo curious.

I'm at 8 weeks flower. Guessing I've got a couple more weeks to go, so I can't comment on the smoke yet, but you'd be hard pressed to find a plant that is more frosty. Holy shit these things pile on the trichomes!



You have NO idea the smile that brought to my face StOw. I was really hoping to see something epic from them. You must be feeling fantastic with them bro! Can't wait to pop mine now.