Total Noob using teas and I am a believer



I ran the Grape Stomper OG and have seen lots of the Aloha in the Gage Green Thread. @Flaming Pie has done a fine job with that strain.

I am sure you won't be disappointed.
The D-Cure was out already, but I snagged the Aloha Grape Stomper! I'm glad to have some new genetics coming into the garden. I'm gonna have to get rid of some of my mom's to make some room. I don't mind culling a plant, but taking out a mom you've worked with, and had around for a while is always a little sad.
Hope everyone had a great day. Peace & Love, Myco.
@Flaming Pie put the AGS on the map big time. Fantastic runs you should check it out...
Beautiful flowers Mr.Head! Looks like some proper meds for sure.
I'll have to check out Flaming Pie, and troll through the posts of the AGS. If anybody is wondering where I got the beans, it was good ol Herbies seeds.
Enjoy your day folks. Peace & Love, Myco.
You gentlemen were correct, Flaming pie killed it with the AGS. I know I'll be a happy man. Thank you for the heads up on her grow, that woman can grow some serious Dank!
I hope everyone is well, and highly medicated! Peace & Love, Myco.
These dispensaries are disappointing. I feel like I can't give my weed away. "I really want your flowers call me next Wednesday." Then he flakes. And that was the decent guy! Lol.
Sour Blueberry is a strain from Humboldt seed organization. I've ran it many times, and I've only found 3 phenos teally. One is fruity, with a lot of blueberry overtones with other forest berry flavors meandering around, this pheno is weak in cannabinoids IMO. There is another pheno a lot like the last, but more skunk that is a little stronger in effect. Then the 3rd pheno is super sour with forest berry undertones that cure out to smell like Flintstone vitamins, with a sour tinge to the scent that makes you grin uncontrollably. That the money pheno!
I feel ya Steel. I've been promised endless demand, sky high returns, adoration for detail, then a busy signal. People get high, and promise dumb shit. At least I get to smoke my excess stock, could be worse. Hope you get your supply chain worked out bro.
Peace & Love, Myco.
Part of it is I've only got 3 oz to offer them. Typical minimum is 4. Once I get my foot in the door it'll be better. Another is they're total weedheads. And some of them are there cause they're completely unemployable anywhere else. It'll be fine. I just gotta get these bills paid.
Hey guys, long time no see.

So I've been using this Jobe's Proven Winners Plant Food for a while now. I top dress when they start popping pistils and I get great results. As of lately it seems to be slowly dwendling off the market, and struggling to find it now. Here is a link.

I'm wondering if you guys could help me make something up that is similar. It says it has bacteria, mycorrhizal, fungi, and Archaea for the microorganisms. All I do for microbes is a simple worm castings tea. I also have some rooters myco that I use usually just during a transplant.

Any ideas?
I've got a bag of the complete 6-4-4. I used a handful it in a tea. But haven't worked with it enough to make a judgement call. My local organics-tea gurus swear by it and have great results.