Total Noob using teas and I am a believer


Active Member
I honestly don't use it but if Rrog and st0w are cool with it then I would have no problems using it. Hell, the USDA NOP allowance said it qualifies.
Rrog has never steered me wrong before, but I remain skeptical.

I've invested way too much money into organics to just throw it all away on a flashy $10 bottle of super juice. Think I'll pass, seem to be doing just fine without it.


Well-Known Member
Rrog has never steered me wrong before, but I remain skeptical.

I've invested way too much money into organics to just throw it all away on a flashy $10 bottle of super juice. Think I'll pass, seem to be doing just fine without it.
Another alternative is using comfrey. Because of how deep it's roots go, comfrey leaves are full of silica which can obviously be turned in to a useful tea to replace something like Pro-tekt. I believe the bocking 14 cultivar is the variety you want (Rrog, correct me if I'm wrong). This is the direction I'm heading. Next spring I will be planting some. There is a good website that Rrog has where you can order a cutting of comfrey root from. This cultivar is sterile too, so your back yard won't be over-run by it.

If that doesn't meet the "organic" credentials, then I don't know what would.


Well-Known Member
Any of you super crop/LST/other training methods during the stretch of flowering or veg? Seems like my plant that was not super cropped as much started producing flowers a lot quicker, along with trichs.

Obviously with the stress difference you can see why it would happen, but other plants I did super crop started flowering around the 2 week mark when they stop stretching and they did not stretch much at all, but I didn't see much stretching in the LST plant either.

What are your guys methods? Would love to hear others, and possibly tweak some methods I have.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Funny you posted this, I just finished doing it exactly this way. I'm used to taking big cuts with my ez-cloner. My cuts were so big that they're kinda falling over, so I had to prop them up against the side of the tray a bit and I can't put the dome on there now. Oh well. Smaller cuts next time.

Gandalf, I saw your post so I figured I would try the riot cubes too. I put a few in rockwool as well to test this out.

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If you want to keep them from drooping the trick is to cut the front 3rd off your biggest leaves, slows transpiration so the plants keep their water instead of sweating it out, especially on bigger clones. Learned that one from Sub's threads, really helps a stack...


Well-Known Member
My girlsfriends tits are synthetic organic. Haha no if it doesnt come from earth and its man made then no its not organic. Must be some good weed floating around, please dont ruin your plants ecosystem lol


Well-Known Member
My girlsfriends tits are synthetic organic. Haha no if it doesnt come from earth and its man made then no its not organic. Must be some good weed floating around, please dont ruin your plants ecosystem lol
Silica is the second most abundant mineral on earth. Humans and plants both require it to maintain normal, healthy growth. When used properly, it does not harm the microbiology in your soil. Sand (silicon dioxide) is not bio available for plants, so companies process it in to a form that plants can readily uptake. It DOES come from earth, it's just altered so that we can use it.


Well-Known Member
Rrog has never steered me wrong before, but I remain skeptical.

I've invested way too much money into organics to just throw it all away on a flashy $10 bottle of super juice. Think I'll pass, seem to be doing just fine without it.
That is the beauty of what we do. There are other ways to get there that you can be comfortable with. I like varying opinions. Leads to educated discussions thus growth.

Another alternative is using comfrey. Because of how deep it's roots go, comfrey leaves are full of silica which can obviously be turned in to a useful tea to replace something like Pro-tekt. I believe the bocking 14 cultivar is the variety you want (Rrog, correct me if I'm wrong). This is the direction I'm heading. Next spring I will be planting some. There is a good website that Rrog has where you can order a cutting of comfrey root from. This cultivar is sterile too, so your back yard won't be over-run by it.

If that doesn't meet the "organic" credentials, then I don't know what would.
I too will be getting some for next year. Great stuff.

Any of you super crop/LST/other training methods during the stretch of flowering or veg? Seems like my plant that was not super cropped as much started producing flowers a lot quicker, along with trichs.

Obviously with the stress difference you can see why it would happen, but other plants I did super crop started flowering around the 2 week mark when they stop stretching and they did not stretch much at all, but I didn't see much stretching in the LST plant either.

What are your guys methods? Would love to hear others, and possibly tweak some methods I have.
Myco is the man when it comes to training. He has been busy as of late but he is family. When he posts up I listen. Most caring guy around.

Silica is the second most abundant mineral on earth. Humans and plants both require it to maintain normal, healthy growth. When used properly, it does not harm the microbiology in your soil. Sand (silicon dioxide) is not bio available for plants, so companies process it in to a form that plants can readily uptake. It DOES come from earth, it's just altered so that we can use it.
It's all about our own personal choices. In the end it is tough to argue with the certifying entities such as USDA NOP. No harm in having different ways to do things.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
My girlsfriends tits are synthetic organic. Haha no if it doesnt come from earth and its man made then no its not organic. Must be some good weed floating around, please dont ruin your plants ecosystem lol
What is a compost tea but organic matter processed by human ingenuity into a form most valuable to plants? Is this not also synthetic/organic? Does an aerated compost tea exist in nature? Does a forest have the technology to produce these concoctions in the form that we use them?

Intelligence is as organic as it gets... Combining natural resources with intelligence is still an organic affair.

Pyrethrum is a poison present in crysanthenum flowers. It is totally organic. It kills microbial life and can kill an animal that ingests it. What we are working with here is LIVING SOIL. THIS is the focus. LIFE. Not necessarily organic compounds alone. Nor necessarily organic processes alone. But LIFE.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Any of you super crop/LST/other training methods during the stretch of flowering or veg? Seems like my plant that was not super cropped as much started producing flowers a lot quicker, along with trichs.

Obviously with the stress difference you can see why it would happen, but other plants I did super crop started flowering around the 2 week mark when they stop stretching and they did not stretch much at all, but I didn't see much stretching in the LST plant either.

What are your guys methods? Would love to hear others, and possibly tweak some methods I have.
With an untouched plant, energy is focused linearly. When you use LST, you are distributing energy evenly across the plant, encouraging more shoots as you know. So now energy is not focused in a linear fashion any longer. It is distributed. So instead of the plant cannonballing upwards, energy is shared amongst the varied shoots, hence you end up with shorter branches, nodes more tightly spaced, which makes for those lovely 'compressed' colas we all like to see. You must remember that bud-mass is DIRECTLY proportionate to root-mass. This is the ONLY reason Hydro sometimes yields more, roots grow completely un-inhibited. So in an ideal scenario, one would like to let a plant just grow upwards with as much root-mass as is possible. Unfortunately for the indoor gardener, a 3-metre plant is not always an option. Lighting becomes an issue and bud quality suffers. So what you are noticing is truly the ADVANTAGES of LST ;)


Well-Known Member
With an untouched plant, energy is focused linearly. When you use LST, you are distributing energy evenly across the plant, encouraging more shoots as you know. So now energy is not focused in a linear fashion any longer. It is distributed. So instead of the plant cannonballing upwards, energy is shared amongst the varied shoots, hence you end up with shorter branches, nodes more tightly spaced, which makes for those lovely 'compressed' colas we all like to see. You must remember that bud-mass is DIRECTLY proportionate to root-mass. This is the ONLY reason Hydro sometimes yields more, roots grow completely un-inhibited. So in an ideal scenario, one would like to let a plant just grow upwards with as much root-mass as is possible. Unfortunately for the indoor gardener, a 3-metre plant is not always an option. Lighting becomes an issue and bud quality suffers. So what you are noticing is truly the ADVANTAGES of LST ;)
Good post,all about your preference,I like to S/C and pinch alot in early 12/12 to allow the bottom parts to really blow up.

ps,All about rootmass and pot size,For monsters in Soil.


Well-Known Member
Good post,all about your preference,I like to S/C and pinch alot in early 12/12 to allow the bottom parts to really blow up.

ps,All about rootmass and pot size,For monsters in Soil.
Agreed. More than anything else moving to a larger container has led me to greater yields.

Roots=fruits, right?

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member I'm thinking about these in my new place. 30 gallon Geopots. All running ROLS. No transplanting. I just take a rooted clone and plop it right in the pot. I would have these cycling through, all ROLS
THOSE ARE BADASS!! I'm looking into stitching up my own 'geopots' as it is yet another thing I can't get here :wall: Just trying to figure out the best material to use. Needs to be pretty heavy-duty stuff. Thinking of trying out some Hessian and seeing how it goes...

Snapped this one right as the lights came on. ALMOST worked. But this is my little Kush Corner, my last plants left in Coco... Funny how the flash only made the shaded parts looks green LOL



Well-Known Member
The earty makes teas natually. Rivers, waterfalls , birdshit, dead leafs, fish and animals. Earth tea


Well-Known Member
Yes but not synthetic silica that our corrupt government says is somewhat organic , there is no in between organic am I right?

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
May 11th, arguing any further is not going to get you anywhere. Take it somewhere else buddy, please. I think guys like Rrog and Gandalf and Stow REALLY know their shit. They think things through properly. Agree to disagree, and move along forward.


Well-Known Member
May 11th, arguing any further is not going to get you anywhere. Take it somewhere else buddy, please. I think guys like Rrog and Gandalf and Stow REALLY know their shit. They think things through properly. Agree to disagree, and move along forward.
REALLY? you think gandlaf stow and Rrog are theonly ones here WHO KNOW THERE SHIT? maybe if you focused more what folks are doig instead of kissing ass everywhere you go you'd notice ALOT of people are doing shit right that don't post every fucken day here. for fucks sake ive seen enough at this fucken site, grown ups (they claim to be anyway) and they sit here and play grab ass like high schoolers on a bus. pathetic! I don't care who I offend with my opinion fuck yerself!