Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

The cord of a seedling mat overheated, and came disconnected from the actual mat, and caught fire to the table it was on. Complete freak occurrence. Im just glad I was home, and heard the alarm. Thanks for all the concern guys, I was shaking for a day after that. You're safe as you can be, you don't sell, you don't tell, and you never have any smell, but then your shit catches on fire!
On another note I started popping my Aloha Grapestompers. I'm gonna run them 2 at a time, don't wanna get too bogged down.
Always have a fire extinguisher on hand, 2 isn't a bad idea. Peace & Love, Myco.
So far the Aloha Grapestompers are 50/50 with the sex ratio. The female, and male smell a lot alike, think I'm gonna make some f2's, but I want to check out a couple more beans first. I've been topping, and trainin the lady, she now has 10 tops in a 2 gal container. I took 4 cuts off her that rooted in 6 days, she's really vigorous for sure. So far she smells like gas, and a rotten fruit basket.
I hope everyone is well, and crushing it in the garden. 4/20 is coming soon:D
Peace & Love, Myco.
Still in love with the AGS, I put her into flower about a week ago. I still have the male, he smells even better now. Broke out the old tent to do some breeding in it, thought I'd hit each lady I'm running, and see what I get.
This is the Sour Blueberry I've been running for a while now, I really enjoy this lady. She's nice, and sour with a sweet, but not really fruity finish.
Peace & Love, Myco.
Time to puff some Amnesia, just seems right:lol:

That sounds wonderful. I've been reading a bunch. All these new strains. I read through some of St0w's Dynasty thread. Cool thread! I always liked the looks of that gear. As you may recall, I've been a lover of Kali Mist for a long time. Especially the older version. Dynasty has KM in many strains. If St0w says it's good stuff then I'm in for sure without hesitation.
It's going to take me awhile to catch back up but this is in my blood. I swear that having something you love taken from you out of fear, etc., only makes one appreciate it that much more. For me it wasn't just about the end result. It was the journey to get there with all of you. The quest. I love everything about the process.
I really look forward to learning from you all. Hope you don't mind dumb questions. It's just nice to be back around. I missed you guys a lot. :grin::grin::grin:
I really look forward to learning from you all. Hope you don't mind dumb questions. It's just nice to be back around. I missed you guys a lot. :grin::grin::grin:

Uhmmmm, I would recomend doing whatever it was you were doing before your hiatus. Some of the prettiest looking plants I've ever seen!

And yes, definitely give Dynasty a look. Both strains I've grown from them turned out great!

As for Kali Mist, I will be germinating a pack when we get back from vacation in July. I also have a pack of original release Kali x Burmese/cherry bomb (Mr Greengenes) that I will be soaking at the same time. I will keep you posted on those. Love me some KM!

If I find anything special we may have to arrange for a pigeon to head your way... :wink:
Absolutely st0w. Sounds great. I'd love that. I love pigeons. Hahahaha. The KM x Burmese/Cherry Bomb sounds great. I remember that strain. God. Seems like yesterday. It's coming back. Yes!

I was blown away at the beauty of the Dynasty flowers on their site. Just gorgeous. Can't wait for days to come. Can't wait to get ewcs under my fingernails.
Ha! I'm back a day and I'm double posting. Jesus. Sorry guys.

I was just thinking how cool it is that we all do things a little different. Our own styles so to speak. What I love is that we all share our ways and help each other out. My point is that there are many ways to pull this off. I love tinkering and trying new things. Playing.

I'm cool with any style that anyone comes up with to get the results that they like. I'm actually really put off by people who think that their way is the only way to do things. That kind of elitist behavior always confused me, especially when it comes to what we're really trying to do here. To me, this plant is such a gift. For those of us that are lucky enough to grow our own smoke that takes everything to a whole new level.

In working with the teas that I used in the past, I used to play around and do things that would make some people roll their eyes. The thing is, it worked for me really well. That's the cool thing here. If we can't have fun doing this then we're in a lot of trouble. What's better than the smell of a perfectly ripened tea right before you use it?

In time, when I get going again, it's going to be cool starting from the bottom with everything new. I look forward to every part of it. Until then I'm going to have to live through you guys. I'm looking forward to our journey together. Now go take a peek at your rooms and your lovely plants and smile for me. We are all very lucky.