Total thus far from the bailouts- at least $1.8 TRILLION DOLLARS.


Well-Known Member
Sure have. Our Gov Christ should know me by first name...and my husband. We are very active, we see our tax dollars being wasted we don't bitch, we come home and research it and send emails to everyone. We even donated our money to have our county records audited. We scream,yell,protest, everything we can think of. Then one day it hits doesn't get us is what it is, and until we get a good president it will remain that way...
Have ya been calling and leaving your Congressmen messages? Emails? Telling people? Something?

Most I've encountered unfortunately are doing nothing..


Well-Known Member
bankers & politicians
politicians & bankers

Of course, the reason why a lot of people aren't more pissed off is because a lot of people are too stupid to look beyond their little lives. Too busy staring at the tree to see the forest.

Of course, I really envy them sometimes, cause the forest fire that's burning looks like its heading this way.

But how do you get those people to wake up and realize that "government" is not the answer? That the government can not solve a damn thing, and will never be able to solve a damn thing.

How do you convince the people that work for the firms that should be going bankrupt that it's right that their firms are going bankrupt due to mismanagement? That the slow down/downturn is just a normal part of the business cycle that gets rid of the inefficient firms that have faulty business models and creates room for new firms and the more efficient firms to grow?


New Member
How do you get them to wake up, indeed TBT.

I've often wondered how much protest there was when FDR convinced the Congress write a bill outlawing ownership of gold in 1933. If it weren't for that, we wouldn't be in this dilemma today. And yet, the folks a few generations back allowed the federal government to socialize our money and take the control of it out of the hands of the citizen and into the hands of politicians and bankers in Washington.



Well-Known Member
Fiat Money, and how FDR betrayed America. Of course getting a Socialist/Democrat to see the truth behind that is next to impossible.


Well-Known Member
bankers & politicians
politicians & bankers

Of course, the reason why a lot of people aren't more pissed off is because a lot of people are too stupid to look beyond their little lives. Too busy staring at the tree to see the forest.

Of course, I really envy them sometimes, cause the forest fire that's burning looks like its heading this way.

But how do you get those people to wake up and realize that "government" is not the answer? That the government can not solve a damn thing, and will never be able to solve a damn thing.

How do you convince the people that work for the firms that should be going bankrupt that it's right that their firms are going bankrupt due to mismanagement? That the slow down/downturn is just a normal part of the business cycle that gets rid of the inefficient firms that have faulty business models and creates room for new firms and the more efficient firms to grow?

I hear you man, this is how I feel 100%.. sometimes I envy the sheeple, they're living blissfully while I'm freakin' because I see the possibility of how bad things could be with the problems looming over our head..

It's like staring at a piano tied above your head.. you know there's a good chance it'll drop, just don't know when... These sheeple have no clue the piano is even looming over us.. let alone that it could drop on their head any moment..

You try to warn people.. and they don't even bother looking up, they just roll there eyes and say 'nothings wrong, god, nothing can go wrong'..

But if something goes wrong they're convinced their precious government will pick up all the pieces and make everything perfect for everyone.. :roll: How do we wake them up?

I don't know.. all I do know is to just keep trying to spread the truth.. the few who are still about to see, do wake up.. it's few and far between these days, but it happens..


Well-Known Member
Sure have. Our Gov Christ should know me by first name...and my husband. We are very active, we see our tax dollars being wasted we don't bitch, we come home and research it and send emails to everyone. We even donated our money to have our county records audited. We scream,yell,protest, everything we can think of. Then one day it hits doesn't get us is what it is, and until we get a good president it will remain that way...
I'm glad there are others fighting this as well, thank you.... I'm sure my email and phone number are blocked for most of our local government here in Ohio and half of the government in Illinois.. lol.. It doesn't seem to do much.. but dammit, I won't lay down and be quiet~! lol..They must love me.. lol.. :mrgreen:


New Member
The total bailout bill is now over 8.4 Trillion dollars.

That's more than we've spent on just about everything in the 20th century combined.

Of course a few trillion is nothing compared to the 1.24 quadrillion dollars in credit derivatives that are about to go tits up within a few months, and don't forget the 2 trillion in "consumer" (gotta love that word) credit lines the credit card companies are planning on freezing up for us.

Welcome to the wonderful world of deflationary economics.

You really think the banks are going to let their debts be inflated out of relevance like Zimbabwe's dealing with? Hah! We should be so lucky as to have our dollar inflated to $10000 for a loaf of'd make a lot of people's lives a whole lot easier with their credit debt wiped out like that.


Well-Known Member
not to survive, but how about common sense. when we equal 52% of the world's military budget don;t you think we could cut the by a third and still be safe? then we wouldn;t have the wherewithal to pursue a nationalistic foreign policy and could afford, lets say, a palatable form of universal health insurance.
There is no such thing a palatable form of Universal Health Insurance, though, imo, if you people want universal health insurance, I hear Europe calling.


Well-Known Member
The total bailout bill is now over 8.4 Trillion dollars.

That's more than we've spent on just about everything in the 20th century combined.

Of course a few trillion is nothing compared to the 1.24 quadrillion dollars in credit derivatives that are about to go tits up within a few months, and don't forget the 2 trillion in "consumer" (gotta love that word) credit lines the credit card companies are planning on freezing up for us.

Welcome to the wonderful world of deflationary economics.

You really think the banks are going to let their debts be inflated out of relevance like Zimbabwe's dealing with? Hah! We should be so lucky as to have our dollar inflated to $10000 for a loaf of'd make a lot of people's lives a whole lot easier with their credit debt wiped out like that.
Only the people that are in debt, and after that it would make their lives a whole lot harder.

Who cares if you own your house, if suddenly the government's valuing it at $300,000,000,000 and you owe $300,000 in taxes, but are only making $1,500,000/year on the inflationary currency? and food is going to cost you $2,250,000 for the year, and gas $1,000,000, and ... in the end you are worse off than when you started.

Then there's people like me that have a perfectly manageable debt load, that would sooner continue to pay it off like I am doing, then be stuck in a hyper-inflationary cycle.

Advocating for Hyper-Inflation, either you are ignorant of History (Nazi Germany) or an extremist who thinks that they could possibly seize on the kind of anger and rage that would be present in a hyper-inflationary spiral and use it to get into power.

Either way, you are out of your mind.


Well-Known Member
Actually, according to bloomberg that total is pushing 8 trillion in total U.S. pledges.
Federal Reserve and Federal Government are two very different entities. The Federal Reserve is just a quasi-government agency that operates under the limited oversight of the government, but is an actuality an independent entity that has as it's principal shareholders every bank that has chosen to join it in the United States (most of them.)

So the $7.7 is not the same as the $700 Billion. Some one really needs to tell the reporters at Bloomberg to pry their heads out of their asses.

Edited to add:

From the article

Bernanke’s Fed is responsible for $4.7 trillion of pledges, or 61 percent of the total commitment of $7.7 trillion, based on data compiled by Bloomberg concerning U.S. bailout steps started a year ago.

$3 Trillion from the government, which includes the bail outs ($1.5 Trillion) the tax rebate ($.2 Trillion), and the AIG bail out ($.3 Trillion) which is right around $2 Trillion. I'm not exactly sure where the other $1 Trillion is coming from.

First Bail Out (Spring, 2008 ) $700 Billion
AIG Bail Out (Summer, 2008 ) ~$300 Billion total
Second Bail Out (Fall, 2008 ) $800 Billion
Tax Rebates (Sping/Summer, 2008 ) ~$200 Billion

Where's the other trillion coming from?


Well-Known Member
you would think...6 trillion dollars being pumped into the economy in a couple of months would get it back up and running..seeing as how that money is actualy being used by banks to buy up other banks..and their bad debt...its not getting into the economy..the government and the federal reserve are buying up banks..those banks hold the notes on every company in this other words we have just become a complete socialist state..for those of you who do not recognize do you like socialism folks?....if you think this is good..wait a few will get better than this....


New Member
you would think...6 trillion dollars being pumped into the economy in a couple of months would get it back up and running..seeing as how that money is actualy being used by banks to buy up other banks..and their bad debt...its not getting into the economy..the government and the federal reserve are buying up banks..those banks hold the notes on every company in this other words we have just become a complete socialist state..for those of you who do not recognize do you like socialism folks?....if you think this is good..wait a few will get better than this....
How do you know all this?? Are you a psychic, or just a psycho?


Well-Known Member
How do you know all this?? Are you a psychic, or just a psycho?
ive got this crystal ball...and this ball helps me with foretells the future this ball doesnt take a magician to read the news though...seems alot of this money that is being lost in the market is being found others...someone loses a dollar..someone makes a dollar..well there have been millions of people losing trillions of dollars..and other's of millions of people finding those lost dollars...pretty nifty hu ?if you understand politics you can understand investing....its actualy pretty simple...the majority of the sheeple are getting screwed though..oh well..they are stupid and deserve to be screwed... investor--------->kiss-ass<----american tax payer


Well-Known Member
The world is a business...simple as that really. If there is profit to be made then America wants in no matter the cost to the people. I also would like to +rep Vi for him pointing out that our actual national debt is 53 Trillion...can you say Fucked For Life!


Well-Known Member
d funk....the federal reserve president from dallas says we have 100 trillion dollars in unfunded social security ..and medicare...then we were 10 trillion dollars in debt aprox. last the last six months the politicians and federal reserve have has spent another 6 to 7 trillion dollars in tax payer money and tax payer gauranteed money...the politicians have printed that kind of money and given it to their buddies and we are on the hook for it..on top of that..obama is going to throw the american people another trillion some going to borrow us out of debt..LOL...i wonder how much debt his tax increases are going to cause..and his welfare program spending....i wonder where he is going to get all this thinks he will just borrow it....i can see a easy ten percent unemployment and a housing market that continues to collapse..the good news is oil and gas is going to keep going down..the bad news is ..NO one is going to have money to buy shit is funny to watch..the three stooges run our government....the 300 million stooges voted for them...if you havnt noticed..bush is pushing all the shit hitting the fan off on obama's watch..that is so funny..they are going to bail out the auto company long enough so obama gets into office and then they are going to file bankruptcy.all those retirement accounts millions of them are going to be lost be UAW retiree's and their medical bennies..congress is only talking about giving the big three 15 billion dollars..and then the government wants to take over their bussiness with a car long will 15 billion last? GM is burning 4 to 6 billion a month in cash itself...15 billion will get it onto obamas watch before it fails and files bankruptcy..i wonder what the union's think of their democrats now?LOL:blsmoke:


New Member
i wonder what the union's think of their democrats now?LOL:blsmoke:

Probably thinking, where the hell you guys been for the last 20 years, holding hands with those stinking republikans?


Well-Known Member
Federal Reserve and Federal Government are two very different entities. The Federal Reserve is just a quasi-government agency that operates under the limited oversight of the government, but is an actuality an independent entity that has as it's principal shareholders every bank that has chosen to join it in the United States (most of them.)

So the $7.7 is not the same as the $700 Billion. Some one really needs to tell the reporters at Bloomberg to pry their heads out of their asses.

Edited to add:

From the article

Bernanke’s Fed is responsible for $4.7 trillion of pledges, or 61 percent of the total commitment of $7.7 trillion, based on data compiled by Bloomberg concerning U.S. bailout steps started a year ago.

$3 Trillion from the government, which includes the bail outs ($1.5 Trillion) the tax rebate ($.2 Trillion), and the AIG bail out ($.3 Trillion) which is right around $2 Trillion. I'm not exactly sure where the other $1 Trillion is coming from.

First Bail Out (Spring, 2008 ) $700 Billion
AIG Bail Out (Summer, 2008 ) ~$300 Billion total
Second Bail Out (Fall, 2008 ) $800 Billion
Tax Rebates (Sping/Summer, 2008 ) ~$200 Billion

Where's the other trillion coming from?

I know they are different entities, but the fed has the printing press, and they never run out of ink.

Its all added to the debt.

I know what you mean though. Congress has "authorized" $700 billion. Or whatever it is now.

But the fed has done all kinds of things to help the banks out that they don't need any approval for. The biggest, thus far is the term lending facility. Where by they'll take just about any piece of paper from just about anybody and give them U.S. treasury bonds in exchange; created out of thin air.


Well-Known Member
*sigh* its quite sad...the road we are headed down... i could write 100 pages on the things that are going to happen and why... we can tell our peers the true meanings of everything that is unfolding in front of their eyes, and most will never believe it.

the fact of the matter is we have long since passed the peak of american culture. we are living on borrowed time, and when the house of cards comes crashing down it is going to be much worse than even our wildest nightmares. it scares me so much i cant sleep at night sometimes and makes me want to hoard guns and supplies and get out of this ticking time bomb while i still can... and not to throw anyone under the bus but if anyone believes what they see on tv, and dont think we are headed for third world status with some of the greatest tyranny the world has ever seen, you are joking yourselves and i will pray for you when the time comes..

depressing, simply depressing.