Totally Stealth Grow?


Active Member
If you're a computer nerd with his own computer in his own room then there's no reason to order the PC grow kit.
If you have some spare wire, a cheap soldering iron, a handful bright blue and another handful of bright red LEDs, and a spare parallel port cable you can pretty much turn your working computer into a grow box. You don't have to worry about raising the power bill or setting up ventilation... you'd be killing two birds with one stone: functional computer + grow box.
If you really wanted to, you can just strap some charcoal filter to the exhaust fan from the inside to eliminate odours. In the case that some smell still leaks out, and you're a weirdo that likes to burn incense, then strap a charcoal filter to the intake fan of your computer and burn some cannabis incense. If anyone asks, just say the smell from the incense lingers.

...and if you're really tech savvy, you can program your grow box to automatically control the lighting and, if you want, hook up a webcam inside the comp so you can watch without even opening the box.
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Active Member
ya im 24 and my parents dont let me grow i done it anyways and they just killed my shit dont go through the heart ache of seeing your babies die i got everything ready here i got a 250 hps darkroom and hydrosystem and no job and live with mom and dad so i cant put any of my shit to good use so its just collecting dust


Well-Known Member
maybe u could grow 4-5 plants if u set everything up in a pool table. u take of the top part or somthing. just throwin it out there


Well-Known Member
check out if the attic is often to people go into there attic ?
could try closet but that's likely to get busted
crawl space would be good if you put some box block it out of sight
you may just want to scale back the grow to one small plant /clone that plant and guerrilla grow
you could get a job and pay for your weed not the best option
could do a pc grow
if you do go for stealth start consuming more power some how and then cut back when grow so bill looks the same
you should check if his parents go into his room at all that we vary the risk of getting busted
good luck


Well-Known Member
I think he should wait til he moves out of the parents house to grow! Have some respect for the people who raised, fed and educated you. Unless you dont care if their house gets confiscated by tOtherwise, move out bro and do your thing then!he cops.