Touch free 2 week dry??


Active Member
I have a little issue. My plants are just about ready to chop but I have to go home for the holidays to visit family who dont smoke pot so I was wondering. . .

Is there any techniuque of drying that would allow me to be able to leave it alone for uo to two weeks and ensure that it would just be dry enough to jar when I come back? thanks


New Member
get a cardboard box big enough to put your plants in...

tie a string across the top from one side to another and jus use the branch to hang it up side down on the string...thats what i did

n put it in a dark, cool place..
i put mine in a cabinet


Well-Known Member
you should just take the buds with you, show the family how beautiful they are and turn them into budsmokers....

or skip going lol.

just kidding man, happy holidays!


New Member
you should just take the buds with you, show the family how beautiful they are and turn them into budsmokers....

or skip going lol.

just kidding man, happy holidays!
What if he gets pulled over for sum reason and searched...then he loses all his homegrown bud and goes to jail...bad idea:blsmoke:


New Member
and this will not overdry the buds after 2 weeks and leave them ready to jar cure and smoke : )?
i dont think it is possible to overdry buds lol...i do no that if it is in a really dark cool place while its dryin it produces mroe crystals.. plus most plants take 1 -2 weeks to will be fine..


Active Member
you should just take the buds with you, show the family how beautiful they are and turn them into budsmokers....

or skip going lol.
lol I wish either of those were an option. But Its looking like they are staying here and waiting for me to come home : )

Gives me something to look forward too


Active Member
OK, Im in the same situation. I was wondering, do you have to seal the box air tight? Or do you leave it open?


Well-Known Member
If it is "AIR TIGHT" They will not dry and may grow mold... But cardboard can not be air tight... Cardboard will absorb the moisture and can breath unlike a sealed jar...

Any hoo air tight... NO... Thats why you dry them before putting them in sealed jars to cure...

If you are worried about them getting too dry you could get a tiny (humidor) humidifier that will keep your drying area at a specific humidity level that way you have control on how fast and how much it dries...

If any of this sounds off base let me know it is all theory and no practice... =\


Active Member
No man, it makes sense. So i guess, i just leave the box cracked open a bit, so that they can breathe. I just dont want my entire harvest to be full of mold when i come back home. And about the humidifier, i would buy one but i dont have money. I'm kinda on a tight budget. Thanks for the advice though. I'm working on pics. I just need to find my charger for my camera


Well-Known Member
Almost forgot if you can afford a DEhumidifier/food dryer from wallmart and you have 7-8 days you can do a water cure... Read about it in the grow faq...