tough times coming.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I'm losing my place due to medical reasons(not being able to work). So ill be rubber tramping/ camping. Kindda suck but hopefully me and the wife will make it. By the way wife will be staying at her aunts. All jokes welcome they might make me feel better. No sympathy, give it to me hard boys & girls!
Dude, that's harsh. Too bad you couldn't have started a grow at your place to make some $ before you had to leave. Could you tend a garden with you medical condition? It's cool that your wife doesn't have live through this tough time with you. Please PM me the aunt's address, I don't want your wife to get too lonely while you're getting your shit together...
Dude, that's harsh. Too bad you couldn't have started a grow at your place to make some $ before you had to leave. Could you tend a garden with you medical condition? It's cool that your wife doesn't have live through this tough time with you. Please PM me the aunt's address, I don't want your wife to get too lonely while you're getting your shit together...

I help a grower so ill have that. I have savings just not a yugh amount. And applying for disability. Income tax saved my ass too.

Lol fuck off.
Honda makes a great small quiet and supper efficient generator.
Sorry to hear about your situation.hope your somewhere where the weather doesn't kick ya in the balls?

I'll look it to that. Thanks. Lol I'm in Oregon.
When I was younger I found this spot that was perfect. I spent countless hours prepping and organizing everything I needed. I'd start me some seeds. Germinate them and then put them in their first and final spot. Tiled up the dirt and added my own mixture to get the soil ready.

First year I spent more time learning what not to do and figuring out some simple techniques to make it easier on myself. The next 5 summers went great. Grew enough to justify being out there.

I'd call a friend and he would bring me anything I needed. Food, water, supplies. But when I went in I didn't come back out till harvest.

One summer I had to break that rule.. Got really bad sick. But only came out to get some meds. My friend was on vacation.

Good luck bro. Make the best out of it.
I'm not sure if you are Spiritual at all, but there is a Neurospiritual Sacramental Molecule called Etizolam. It is somewhat an Analog of Xanax, but not exactly an Analog. And the Federal Analog Act only covers Schedule I and II, so Analogs of Xanax do not fall under the Federal Analog Act anyways. But it is prescribed in Japan and other countries, and the World Health Organization (WHO) has put out a paper saying that no country should ban it, and that it is extremely safe.

But it is completely unregulated because of that, and if you are Neurospiritual at all, you could share it with others and accept donations to start a Ministry. You can get it by the gram online in pure powder form, and it is dosed by the milligram like Benzos.
Homeless is not funny. It's even worse that you have a medical condition that doesn't allow you to work and support yourself in the way you're used to.

Best of luck, brother, stay in touch as you can. One good crop would turn all your troubles around, but it's hard work and without resources you're looking at an uphill battle and some longer odds.

There are resources out there, but they are often hard to find, generally overcrowded and underfunded.

This is the part our country does worst.