Traded the cow for magic beans , Forum stomper , 4 assed monkey , Mephisto dont fail me now :D

i did leave the lights off last night to check if they were really lagging or i was just over reacting all had new light green growth on the top sites so figure ill just slack up on the water after this feed
next week ill make some EWC tea up and prolly use that a couple times to bump the N up .... just needed a quick fix for now
FS does not like being fed at all ..... FUCK
just flushed the shit outta it . showing p/k burns and i barely fed it .....its only been like 5 hours
Well maybe it's not p/k and nitrogen instead I dunno ran some good water through it hope all is well now


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it was my fuck up ..... i did the math i used the wrong measure ..... i just fed them 50% str and not a 25% :D whoops
Sounds familiar... Im just waiting for mine to get bigger so I can give them some megacrop... Just watering them enough to keep them alive and well...
Mystery loves being fed ... Monkey burned but is still growing.... Cookies stalled the fuck out .... Serious burns on the bluetoof and growing even slower then they were but still growing .


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All but the stomper have gotten over the overwater/ overfeeding and not nearly as heavy ..... As heavy as the stomper feels it may be another week before it gets some new growth .... I fed cause they were yellowing up calling for mag ....... The reality of it was I'm a complete noob and missed the fact that that lack of oxygen in the soil causes a manual lock out of nutrients and shows as a mag def along with other nifty stuff.... So anyway lesson of the day...... I used to use a spray bottle to start them off but I was lazy now I have shitty plants :p
Hood was too close first round. These are getting around 12 hours of hps rest is low watt leds seem to be stretching a lot but whatever is what it is I only mess with them a couple times a week. Feed skip a day water skip a day etc etc . Up front lst is monkey. Forum stomper is untouched in the back. Far right micro machine is a blue toof special 2 liter bottle hid in there for a size reference 50% sensi bloom monkey likes it but FS seems to be a picky Bitch but I'm staying at 50% for now shitty hps pic but whatever :D


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Been busy as hell. But I ended up with a zip combined out of the mystery and the monkey I let finish well the mystery wasn't all the way done but was some couch lock shit even though it was a few weeks early. Monkey is hard hitting make you want to run around outside. Straight fire ass plants mephisto has there shit straight is all I can say ..... No pics so it must not of happened :p
Hood was too close first round. These are getting around 12 hours of hps rest is low watt leds seem to be stretching a lot but whatever is what it is I only mess with them a couple times a week. Feed skip a day water skip a day etc etc . Up front lst is monkey. Forum stomper is untouched in the back. Far right micro machine is a blue toof special 2 liter bottle hid in there for a size reference 50% sensi bloom monkey likes it but FS seems to be a picky Bitch but I'm staying at 50% for now shitty hps pic but whatever :D
Your toof is way different than what mine looks like... Mine is bushy... Here's the stomper before I chopped it... IMG_20180902_192056.jpg IMG_20180902_192056.jpg IMG_20180901_164257.jpg