Trailer park boys


Well-Known Member
hey guys any of u seen my fave show trailer park boys if not get checking it out theres a movie out aswell called the big dirty


Well-Known Member
i been watchin it for like tha last 4 years i concider myself doin ok as im in the uk aswell

i saw the directors cut last night that was fuckin awesome;)


Well-Known Member
yea i got season i like the episode on season 7 i fucking miss trevor and corey...phill colins son is like trevor sort of lmfao!


Well-Known Member
he is in all the seasons as a cameo ul spot him if u re watch em hes in the gren bastard ep called jacob the twiggy alien bastard


Well-Known Member
i love me some trailer park boys

ive got family in nova scotia and for xcmas they bought me this trailer park fan book and a new paper article about trailer park boys

apparently they live close to dartmouth and they went somewhere and got them to all sign my book and article im so haoppy ;)


sunnyvale trailer park retirement


Active Member
TPB rocks...been watching ever since they had that Black and White TV movie of it on showcase...fuckin Ricky and Julian man,it's sad that I can't count on my fingers how many dudes I know that are exactly like them...


Well-Known Member
im in the uk i love it have any of you seen cart boy it was the begining of it all even before the black and white pilot where there pet exterminators


Active Member
The movie is rubbish but the show is top class. One of my favourite comedy shows of all time with Curb Your Enthusiasm probaly being number one.

"I gotta start growing dope man, get my life back together" Ricky