Training Log


Well-Known Member
Planches look tough. It's hard for me to get my head around those.

Front levers look like something I could work up to. I saw some 65 year old former A.B. member on TV, doing front lever pull ups off of the underside of his cot in San Quentin. It looked pretty cool.

I did lots of slow, weighted chin ups and hanging leg raises with my arms in the slings for a couple months.
Last week I started with leg raises, shins to the bar, no arm slings, just hanging on. I think I'll also do some leg raises holding myself up on the dip (parallel) bars. Then next month chin ups with the legs held in an "L." Then finally some front levers.


Well-Known Member
Missed a few updates. Training has been;

Daily Mobility Junk
Hip Hikes
Clam Shells
Psoas Raise
Peterson Step Ups

Band Pull Aparts
Band Shoulder Dislocates
Push up plus from the knees

I ran through this boring stuff 2-4 times a day, every day at the house. This was great. It was like getting warmed up and loose, 20 times a week. I was able to drop a lot of stretching and prefab/ warmups before lifting real weights. I feel way better now than I did last year at this time.

General Warm Ups
Lots of step ups, sidebends, single leg curls and band pull-aparts.

Clean and Press 5x5 ( up to 125)
Chin Ups between sets
Shrugs (3x10-12)
Arm stuff ( for a pump)

Safety Bar High Box Squat 5x5( up to 245)
Inverse Curls (3x 10-12)
Hack Squat
Reverse Hyper Extension
Chest Supported Row

Paused Bench Press 5x5 ( up to 205)
Bamboo Bar Bench Press
Chest Supported Rows
Tricep Pushdown/Thick bar Curls

Deadlift from Rack, against bands
Inverse Curl
Hack Squat
Upright Row
Reverse Hyper Extension

I kept the progression on the weights pretty slow. This left me with energy to mess around with different stuff for conditioning outside of the weight room. For awhile I threw a medicine ball around the back yard on off-days. When that got played-out I dropped those and worked jump rope back in. Then kettlebell swings. Then skipping and jumping around the back yard, track and field style. I'd do this stuff a few times a week, working up for 2 or 3 weeks. When it started to feel tough, I rotated to the next thing to keep it fresh.

This routine was great. I ran it for 3-4 months with no injuries or problems. The inverse curls really worked for my hamstrings. Stronger hamstrings let me squat closer to correctly, which worker my hips and legs much better. I've been able to lower the box I was squatting to, so that's awesome. I'm starting to grow some quads now.

Bench press is still not great, but I was able to make steady progress for awhile. I worked lots of rows, and my mid back feels pretty strong. This worked well for the paused bench presses. I feel really strong at the bottom. But at the top, I can feel my upper back/lower traps lose tightness. Then my elbows flare out. So it feels like it's time to "move up" a little. I'm going to get on more shrugs, and rows leaning over at like 45 degrees. More exercises with a snatch grip. And more triceps.

For the deadlift I'll start pulling from blocks, instead of from the rack. So a lower position, but still not lifting from the floor. The important thing is to keep working, and not blow up my hips or back.

I'm going to keep up the same stuff for overhead pressing. Many sets of low reps, non-maximally, working upwards.


Well-Known Member
10-12 through 10-16

Easy week. Just messed around with a few different lifts to.see how they felt.


Shins to Bar

Clean from Floor Once, Press
95x5, 10 sets

Clean from Floor and Push Press
135x1, 10 singles

Rolling Dumbbell Tricep Extensions
Dumbbell Upright Rows
Dumbbell Curls
Circuit style, 12-15 reps each


1 Leg Calf Raise
Step Ups
Leg Curls
3 x12, circuits

Safety Bar Box Squat, slightly high
265x8, 2 sets

Yates Rows
185x12, 2 sets

Romanian Deadlift with Snatch Grip
Lunge in Place
Leg Extension
4x12 each, circuit style

Side to side landmine abs


Planches look tough. It's hard for me to get my head around those.

Front levers look like something I could work up to. I saw some 65 year old former A.B. member on TV, doing front lever pull ups off of the underside of his cot in San Quentin. It looked pretty cool.

I did lots of slow, weighted chin ups and hanging leg raises with my arms in the slings for a couple months.
Last week I started with leg raises, shins to the bar, no arm slings, just hanging on. I think I'll also do some leg raises holding myself up on the dip (parallel) bars. Then next month chin ups with the legs held in an "L." Then finally some front levers.
they are hard to learn took me about a year for both I just added then to my training weighted chins dips are excellent exercises there just something addictive about planches like if your with ya mates and your like check this out its the ultimate display of strength and agility leg raises l sit pullips you will get their soon enough adleast you have a good foundation of strength already good luck wit it bro


Well-Known Member
Thanks kush.


Warm up junk

Bench Press, with chains
195x3, 4 sets

Dumbbell Bench Press

Dumbbell Mechanical "Drop Set"

1 Arm Dumbbell Row superset with Seated 1 arm Dumbbell Front Raise

Tate Press superset with Alternating Pinwheel Curls

Straight Arm Pulldowns

Great workout.

For bench press with chains, 2 big chains are hanging off the bar. They mostly deload at the bottom, and add weight as you press. So the lift gradually gets heavier as you get closer to lock-out. Touch and go style. Also, I moved my grip out, from shoulder width to "1 thumb-length away from the smooth." It feels really different than the paused, narrow grip style I had been using. I have a tendency to start cheating, and bouncing the bar off my chest when I bench without a pause. Thats not really possible with the chains, they don't bounce off the floor. I feel like there is lots of room to improve on this.

For the dumbbell mechanical drop set, I set the adjustable bench to "the 3rd hole." This made a low incline for the first set. Next set, I lowered it 1 hole, to a slight incline. Third set, I went to the decline bench with a low decline. Last set, slightly less decline. I got 8 reps with the 60's on all 4 positions. Then I tried a second run with the 50's, aiming for 10 reps. I missed a few near the end.


Well-Known Member

Legs hamstrings and hips were really sore from squatting Tuesday. I was really slow getting started, and did like twice as much warm up stuff as normal. Its nice to feel sore in my muscles, and not just fucked up in my joints.

Snatch Grip Deadlift, off 2 inch blocks
225x5, 3 sets

Yates Rows
185x12, 3 sets

Most of what I would have done for assistance was already hit 2 ways in warm ups, so that was it.


Well-Known Member

Shoulder warm up junk

Snatch grip shrugs, leaning forward in Smith machine(12)
Hanging leg raises, shins to Bar, outside hands(10 total)
Step ups with 25 pound dumbbell on opposite side (10 each side)
Half Kneeling Kettlebell press( 5 reps each arm, repeat on each leg)
4 circuits

1 Clean from Floor, 5 Presses
100x10 sets

Clean and Push Press
140x 10 singles

Upper Back Y-T-L's on Blast Straps
Rolling Dumbbell Tri Extensions
Hammer Curls
3 circuits

Great workout. Push presses felt pretty bad, but less bad than last week.

Bodyweight is around 225 these days. If I remember correctly, I was weighing in around 215 when I started this log, last fall. I gained some solid weight, maybe I was 228 last November. I got my girlfriend a Kitchen Aid mixer for an early Christmas present. The first thing she made was some Chess Bars. They were super chronic. I ate the whole pan in 2 nights, and fattened up to 237 within a week. Then I stayed a little fat all year. Finally in September I straightened out my diet. More protien, veggies and fat, and less bread and potatoes than before. I've had to tighten my lifting belt 2 notches, so it's working.


Well-Known Member

Seated Band Hip Abductions
Side-to-side landmine abs
3x12 each

Single leg standing calf raise
Single leg curl
Step Ups
3x12 each

Safety Squat Bar, Box Squat. A little above parallel
265x6, 3 sets

Romanian Deadlift
Lunge in Place
Let extension
2 circuits to warm up
3 circuits, "work sets"

Same weights as last week, but 3 sets of 6 instead of 2 sets of 8 for squats. Definetly not as sore after squatting this week. I guess next week I'll try 2 sets of 10. Then add some weights.


Well-Known Member

Seated Dumbbell Cleans
Read delt raises leaning forward
Tricep Pushdown
A few circuits to warm up

Bench Press, +50 pounds of Chains
195x2, 3, 4, 2, 3. I was gonna do 2 reps on the last set, but it felt great, so I did a third. Tried a forth, but failed.

Dumbbell Press

Dumbbell Incline Mechanical Drop Set
60x10, 4 positions

Dumbbell Row/Seated Dumbbell Front Delt Raise
4x12 each
- Up to 80's for the rows, and 30's for the raises. Technique was getting a little "loose."

Pinwheel Curls/Tate Press
2x15 each
-35's for curls, 45's for Tate Presses

I kind of "pushed it" a little during this session. For most of the year, I've tried to keep things contained, and leave a rep or two in the tank. It felt good to get after it a little. That's how you really make progress. Nothing broke on me, so that's awesome.


Well-Known Member

Seated Band Abductions
Side to side Landmine has
3x10 each

1Leg Calf Raise
1 Leg Curl
3x10 each

Barbell Rows, not really bent over
135x12, 2 sets
185x10, 2 sets
225x10, 2 sets

Starr Shrugs From Rack
135x5, 2 sets
155x5, 2 sets
185x5, 2 sets

Snatch Grip Deadlift
245x5, 3 sets

More Hamstring Curls
Reverse Hyper extensions

I read an old article about training traps, and realised I haven't done those Star Shrugs in years. They were cool, but every set was different, I need more practice. According to Bill Starr, the author, I need to get up to 5x5 with 585.


Well-Known Member

Hanging Leg Raises
Upper Back Blast Strap Stuff
Rear Delt Raises, leaning forward with dumbbells
Tricep Pushdown
3 circuits to warm up

Seated Dumbbell Press
5 easy sets of 10

Seated Cable Row
5 easy sets of 10

Some curls, some triceps.

This session, "shoulder day" or "2nd pressing day" has been constantly all over the place. I just can't seem to develop a really great plan or structure. But even just showing up is better than nothing.


Seated hip abductions with band
Side to side landmine abs
Reverse Hyper Extensions
1 Leg leg curl
1 Leg Calf Raise
Step up
Snatch grip shrug in Smith machine
3 circuits to warm up. This was almost a workout itself

Safety Squat Bar Box Squat
265x10, 2 sets

Star Shrugs, from Rack
135x6, 2 sets
165x6, 2 sets
185x6, 2 sets

Romanian Deadlifts with snatch grip
Lunge in Place with plate hugged to cheat
Leg Extension
4 circuits. I got up to 235 for 12, then 13 reps on the Romanians for the last 2sets.

This was definetly the hardest workout I've done this year. Today, the next day, my hips and back and knees feel 100% OK. I'm pretty pleased.


Well-Known Member

Light shoulder and arm stuff to get loose.

Bench Press, +50 pounds chain
195x2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4

Seated Front Dumbbell Raise
Up to 30x12

Dumbbell Row
Up to 90x12


Some warm ups

Some deadlifts with conventional stance.
They felt heavy, I didn't go too far.

I was using a ton of back, and not enough hips. But I've been doing lots of shrugs and rows, and lifts with a snatch grip. My traps and upper back feel strong, so of course they're trying to take over. I think some inverse curls for hamstrings, and some deficit deadlifts to focus on the bottom of the d.l. and I'll be stronger than ever.

Things were kind of all over the place this month, but I think I got a lot out of it.


Well-Known Member
Took an easy week. Lifted 3 times and jumped rope a fourth day.


Wrist Roller
Reverse Curls

Seated Dumbbell Press
Up to 60x10

Iso-Pulldowns, 1 side at a time, between sets.

Dumbbell Delt Combo Raise
10pounds x 20 reps, side/front/rear

Some iso-row

My elbows were starting to hurt, so I'll hit up the wrist roller and some reverse curls to strengthen the muscles on top of my forearm, while stretching out the tight muscles on the bottom.


Standing 1 Leg Calf Raise
1 Leg Hamstring Curl
Step Ups
2 circuits to get going.

Box Squat with Saftey Squat Bar
Up to 295x6

Deficit Deadlift, pause right below Knee
Up to 225x8

Barbell Shrugs
Up to 205x20, 2 sets

Inverse Curls superset with more Step Ups
3 sets each.

Just the basics. No physical therapy inspired jerk-off exercises! No issues.


Well-Known Member
Today is 11-19. I didn't lift yesterday. My dates are off.

Bench Press
225x1,2, 1,2 for 12 total reps
155x10, 7

I did some half kneeling Palloff presses between sets

1 Arm Dumbbell Rows (up to 80x15)
Dumbbell Front Delt Raise
4 sets each

Dumbbell Curls
Straight Arm Pulldowns on Lat Cable
4 sets each

1 set of single arm cable tricep Pushdown, 50 reps each arm


Well-Known Member

Legs really tight and sore

Some lunges to try to get going.

Romanian Deadlifts against( light) bands
135x10, 3 sets

Superset with leg extensions

185x20, 2 sets

Superset with reverse hyper extensions

I love Deadlifting against the bands. They really make me focus on driving with my hips instead of over extending or over arching my back. Like the opposite of the snatch grip deadlifts from last month. Today these were crushing my glutes. I felt taller, like I was standing up super straight afterwards. It was great to not do them for awhile, "lower my tolerance" then come back to them and really "feel" it.


Well-Known Member

Hip Hikes
Band Abductions
Band Pull aparts
Band Shoulder Dislocates
-a few sets of each, rehab style stuff to get loose

Then 10 sets of 20 kettlebell swings.

-12 reps of 1 rehab style exercise between swings


Well-Known Member
For the last month;

Day 1. Shoulders. Monday
I dropped the barbell clean and press, and worked the seated dumbbell presses and delt raises for a break. I also worked the wrist roller and reverse curls pretty hard. Then some rows and light triceps. I usually took it kinda easy on this day. Worked up to 70x8 on dumbbell presses.

Day 2. Legs/Squat. Tuesday
During Oct/Nov, I worked up 3x8 with 295 on the high box squat with the safety squat bar. So I lowered the box to just slightly above parallel, and switched back to the giant cambered bar for squatting this month. Big change, very tough. Last workout was 3x8 with 245 on this setup. I'm liking this more and more as I get the box lower. I plan to stick with these until I get up to around 3x8 with 300.

Then deficit deadlifts with a pause at the knee. Worked up to 275x8. I like this move too. I'm going to shoot for 315x8, then rotate to something else.

I also did a lot of light barbell shrugs. All sets 225 and under. Sometimes like 135x40 reps. When my shoulders were really crooked posture was really bad, I couldn't do these very well. They're way better now that I'm straighter.

Day 3 Bench. Thursday
I'd been doing 5x5 for a long time on bench, so I switched to higher reps for awhile. Last workout was 185x10 with a pause for 2 sets, and a 3rd set of 12, touch and go style.

I also did 1 arm dumbbell rows on this day. I started at 70 or something, and worked up to 115x12 on each arm. These were cool, but I'm going to switch to some other kind of row.

I also used the wrist roller and reverse curls after benches. Then some delt raises and triceps.

Day 4. Legs again. Friday
This day was whatever my legs could handle. Step ups and Romanian Deadlifts. Or back squats and rack deadlifts. Then shrugs and hamstrings/quads.

Bonus Day 5. Sunday
I kept up the kettlebell swings on Sundays, watching football. 10 sets of 20, then one final set. Got up to 50 swings the last week. I did band pull aparts and sidebends between sets of swings.

I also tried some grip stuff on Sunday. The wrist roller on upper body days was really effective last month. After 2 weeks of rolling, I was able to bend some 60 penny nails and a 6inch long, 1/4" diameter bolt pretty easily.

Magic Mike

Well-Known Member
Good to see you are still at it and making good progress since the beginning of the thread. A lot of people don't make it past the 1st year.

I'm still at it doing mobility stuff every day , plus I started the 5x5 routine and am doing well with that.. Also just got a bunch of rogue gear and some hi-temp bumper plates so dropping weights from over head is on !! Got some horse stall mats .. pretty cool dropping weights