Training Plants for height and size. NEED HELP!!


Active Member
Whats good all. I'm doing a small closet size growroom setup with 6 ladies under 8 27 watt cfls. I'm doing a hydro setup with 6 cups in a 10 gallon rubbermaid. Since all my seedlings will eventualy b growing upwards and outwards, I was wondering the best way to train plants to grow more vertically than horizontally. Due to lack of space it would help a great amount to have a more vertical than horizontal grow. I've done some research and the majority say trimming is a bad idea but I havn't really found anything that describes how to train plants to be more vertical. Any ideas on the best way to do this? Any and all info is really appreciated.


Active Member
alright word
does this reduce the overall size of the plant?
im gonna have to read into it
any other ideas or options?

mr thc

Well-Known Member
So many things about growing are so common sense, but at the same time just not the first thing that would pop into your head. Just dabble with things, but yes, plants close together and with the light a fair distance away will focus on vertical growth.


Well-Known Member
With your setup you shouldn't be vegging them long enough to get tall or wide. You don't have enough light to support anything but single cola plants less than 12" tall. Flower them at 6" or just a few days after they have rooted. Your growing space should be very small, enclosed, and completely reflective to get a decent yield with what you have. Barely large enough to contain the plants and lights. YOU DO NOT WANT THEM TO STRETCH Lights should be just an inch or two from the plants.


Active Member
mr thc, i know what u mean, there is so much info out there, i was just wonering if anyone has successfully experimnted with wire tomato cages or something of the sort to train a more vertical grow

oregon, the current setup and the cfls are just for my veg stage
i will add more cfls and a 400w hps when i switch to flowering at around 12" plant height, (also when ill determine males and females, thus probabl allowing more space with reduction of males)
the lights are currently no more than 2" away, and on the 18-6 cycle
so far the seedlings are still small, 2" tall, with 1-3 sets of leaves, and a yellowish light green color
whats best in your opinion of refletive material? white color? tin foil? etc.?
please let me know your thoughts


Well-Known Member
Mylar is the best to use for reflectiveness, a fresh coat of white paint is a close second. Tin is not the best thing to use, use it only if you cant afford to paint the walls white or by mylar. IF you do use tin foil use the dull side, I've heard and seen from personal experience that it can create hot spots and burn the leaves. If you place the lights higher above the plants it will cause them to "stretch" up towards the lights. That being said, when growign with CFLs you want the lights to be 1-2" awya from the plants for the best results as noted above. Good luck.