Trainwreck and White Widow Smoke Report

sativas are good but indicas have their place.i love gettin real stoned on some pure indica or dom. strain like AURORA INDICA that is fookin dank shit.its all good to me .
clasonde i agree trainwreck is near perfection... i luv smokin up part time smokers and watchn them get hit by the 'wreck affect' lol. They stop in mid sentence sometimes and space off! Shit i got to admit sometimes my girl and I get hit pretty hard by it.
I thought TW was named after the way it looks while growing, not because of the buzz.
I have read that Trainwreck has its name because it first became availiable in california during a time when there was a massive trainwreck disaster...its not because the way the plant looks or the buzz
Yeah, TW is pretty common around here. It's a very good smoke but not quite as good as some other floating around.
That's odd that your WW tasted and smelled that way. Mines got a real strong skunk type smell. Mine is White Widow 4. I guess it was cloned or bred 4 times or whatever. I don't really understand that shit but anyway yeah mine tasted superb. Nothing like cleaners.
yeah i couldnt believe the scent of that ww. it was incredibly stinky and strong smelling of straight up pine sol or a floor cleaner.