Don Gin and Ton
Well-Known Member
I would say each lower top 1oz each wet, and the main top 6× that wet.
Not long to go now run off ph is at 7, so I will leave her to dry out then chopperty chop chop..
5/7 days hanging (can smoke at this point) hopefully
5/7 days in paper mushroom bag
Then into sealed smelly proof bags, and smoke as I wish I do find it gets better with age lol.
it makes such a difference to the overall taste of the gear leaving it to dry and cure its like two different weeds smoking just dry to actually dry lol i recently decided that i wasnt going to sell mine till it was actually ready no cutting corners no damp weed. people were a bit cheesed off havin to wait an extra week or two but were much happier in the end.