Trainwreck - Harvest?? Pics!! Please HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
What up people,

I'm approaching the end of my second grow and I'm hoping to get some help from you guys out there. One thing that I'm really bad at is deciphering tricomes.

Anyway, these are pics of two Trainwreck plants that I have growing in a homemade Deep Water Culture system. The seeds are bagseeds from a local dispensery in Denver, very rare, odd, to find seeds in dispensery weed. I was curious to grow them out.

Unfortunately, one of the girls went hermie and both of these plants are seeded. I'm not too upset as I have 8 total plants, six in DWC and two in soiless mix.

I have a clone of the plant that didn't turn hermie. Would anyone out there grow out more of these clones knowing there is hermiism in the family?

And lastly, how long till these babies are done?

Should I change to just plain water in the res?

Should I use Final Flush, and if so, when?

Thanks fellow pot heads!!




they look great and yes you can start the flush. trainwreck is supposed to be a sativa strain so id say pick in like 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
2 weeks at the least, you want all those white hairs to turn orange and curl up and then wait like another week.


Active Member
First off, the plants look great. I'm sorry to hear about the hermiism.

2 weeks at the least, you want all those white hairs to turn orange and curl up and then wait like another week.
I agree. You definitely wanna get all those hairs orange. and from the pics it seems like your trichs are still mostly clear (i couldn't see any tan tinge around the leaves). i'd say your lookin at another 2-3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
First off, the plants look great. I'm sorry to hear about the hermiism.

I agree. You definitely wanna get all those hairs orange. and from the pics it seems like your trichs are still mostly clear (i couldn't see any tan tinge around the leaves). i'd say your lookin at another 2-3 weeks.
Right on, thanks, man, and please stay subscibed to this thread as I will post new pics of the plants every week until harvest and I could use help determining ripeness!!

Any thoughts on the hermie issue? Would anyone out there use this clone again even though it's prone to hermiism?


Well-Known Member
Think 9 weeks from 12/12 unless you we're seeing pre-flowers in veg, and then still probably 9 just to be safe. This is with a good week of flush or so. Lots of staring advertise quicker crops then you want to pull at. One thing to look for is receding hairs, have you ever smoked gooood buds with inch long hairs? No. It's because they recede back in when the bud fills out at the end. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
The clone you have is of the non-hermied plant?
if so, you should be in the clear.

As for when its done...
Tough to say, at least a couple weeks though.


Well-Known Member
The clone you have is of the non-hermied plant?
if so, you should be in the clear.

As for when its done...
Tough to say, at least a couple weeks though.
The clone is of the non-hermie plant, I gotta give it a shot, it's such a nice plant!!


Well-Known Member
And thanks everyone for helping a brother out!! You guys rock!

I will post more pics of the same few plants every weekend, please stay tuned to help me determine ripeness!


Well-Known Member
What Up Guys,

Here we are at the end of week seven. I brought the plant upstairs into the light and got some really good shots.

I changed her to plain water today in the DWC res, and added a drop fo Final Flush for good luck.

So what do we think, next weekend, or the weekend after? I'm thinking another week will do her.

Opinions please!!



Well-Known Member
I hate waiting as much as the next guy, but if i were you i would wait at least a couple more weeks based on those pictures.
Your bud still has alot of filling in to do. Be patient and you will be rewarded.