TrainWreck vs. The Church


Active Member
Starting my first guerrilla in march. Im going to be growing outside (duh) totally organic. Central Florida, high humidity, 80's 90's (degrees). I can't decide whether to grow Green House's TrainWreck or The Church. Whatcha think?

PS. I know a lot of people on here don't like GHS so don't waste time if you are just going to bash the company and not post anything useful. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I grew the Church inside and outside last year. My seeds were a year old before the germination issues that they had last summer. Great plant for both.

Hands down the fav of my friends last year.

I also heard that GHS Trainwreck is not as good as other trainwrecks out there. Go to and check out there trainwreck.

Hope this helps



Well-Known Member
I can't commwnt on the Church but I just finished a grow with the GH TW...... plants finish from 50-70 days, with ALOT of variety between plants. It was an indoor grow. PLants were fairly tall, but I guess not for a sativa. Avg. quality buzz at best. I'd say go with the Church.


Active Member
doubt it. The cops here have way better things to do then little shit like this. . if anyone, it would be FDLE (florida dept of law enforcement) then it wouldnt matter where you lived since their jurisdiction is the whole state. People are way too paranoid about the big-brother thing.


Well-Known Member
haha, this is true. But it doesn't hurt to be a little paranoid. As the bumper sticker claims "Just because you're not paranoid, doesn't mean that they aren't after you" ;)