Tramadol questions

banks dank

Active Member
Ok recreationally? You know those aren't narcotics right? Weak ass pain relievers for real pain in my experience! Come on man your not buying these to get "high" are you?
Yes its true tramadol is a non narcotic thats why its very avialiable for RX doc's dont feel there is a big potential for abuse.
I was taught that tramadol does have street value because of its synergistic effects when combined with certain opiotes.

I havent tried the combo personally but it sounds right

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
That is funny, I just threw about 800 of those nasty little bastards away about a week ago, as for using them to get high, I would shy away from them, They are known to cause seizures if taken in too high of a dose, an there not supposed to be used with opiates. and with getting them online, I would say no, you get what you pay for and if someone wants to fuck you and give you aspirin then who are you going to complain to?


Active Member
i have got Tramadol down to a science for me man, the shit works great. people just seem to have a hard time believing me.

blaze 57

Well-Known Member
I had no idea! I've taken the stuff several times and it did nothing at all, at all. Figured it was something like apap. Maybe I'll take another look at it.
Tramadol really depends on the person. Some feel it GREAT! and others nothing. I heard the way people metabolize tramadol can really vary from person to person thus different reactions.

blaze 57

Well-Known Member
i have got Tramadol down to a science for me man, the shit works great. people just seem to have a hard time believing me.
It works great me too. It IS addictive. Back off REALLY slow over a long period of time is best to avoid withdrawl.


Well-Known Member
Tramadol withdrawls are susposto be hell compared to standard opiates

It's never done anything for me except give me a strange light airry felling


Active Member
idk man at one point I was buying most of dudes script and then having to go without for 4-5 days and most of the withdraw being emotional but overall not that bad, but NOTHING like that of pod tea abuse. that shit had me feeling rough.


Well-Known Member
hope someone pointed out there is a ceiling dose of tramadol. past that u can have grand mal seizures. not cool. also serotonin syndrome. which is awful as well.

the Rc o-des-whatever tramadol is not 100x as potent. its what tramadol is metabolized into in your body already... its not much of any use really.

tramadol has SNRI effects. it can cause further dependency beyond opiate dependency. u can be addicted to the SNRI effects as well. many people have committed suicide or nearly because of the depression that caused.

tramadol sucks and doctors are stupid for thinking its a safer alternative.

its only good for opiate naive patients that arent apt to abuse the med and end up with seizures or something.


Well-Known Member
the ceiling is around 400 mg / 24 hr on average. people have had seizures or even died from less. google it. one story an old lady took one extra by accident one night and she died because her daily dose was already so high.

ive taken about 500 mg before max in 24 hours. no more than 250 at a time. usually taking a benzo along with it (xanax, klonopin, valium, ativan) to help reduce risk of seizures.

100mg of tramadol taken orally is about the same as 10mg of hydrocodone (vicodin, norco, lortab) orally or 10mg morphine orally.

100mg tramadol oral is equal to about 3mg IV morphine or maybe about 5mg oral oxycodone.

its BA is around 70% orally i believe. it goes up with each dose to a certain point i geuss...

tramadol is available in IV prep, but its caustic meaning it will burn badly. u dont gain much from it being IV either, im suprised its available.


Active Member
Right well thanks but i am aware of all this i simply was trying to see what the quality was like when online ordered or scripted.

i only need 2 a day. 1 at whenever i get up and 1 in between 5 and 6 pm

Mr John

Active Member
Before anyone disses it. Let it be known that tramadol works well for me both medically and recreationaly. That being said, has anyone here ever ordered it online and how was it compared to what the doc can give you? and the average price range for ordering it?

cant afford to be blowing anymore cash like this when i could spend 145ish? a month and have it shipped to my door...

any help guys n gals?
Been a Tram fan for many months now. Not only does it help rid pain, it puts me in a happy place and I can sleep thru the night without nightmares. I love it (Tram not nightmares!)


Well-Known Member
hope someone pointed out there is a ceiling dose of tramadol. past that u can have grand mal seizures. not cool. also serotonin syndrome. which is awful as well.

the Rc o-des-whatever tramadol is not 100x as potent. its what tramadol is metabolized into in your body already... its not much of any use really.

tramadol has SNRI effects. it can cause further dependency beyond opiate dependency. u can be addicted to the SNRI effects as well. many people have committed suicide or nearly because of the depression that caused.

tramadol sucks and doctors are stupid for thinking its a safer alternative.

its only good for opiate naive patients that arent apt to abuse the med and end up with seizures or something.
My negative experience with tramadol closely mimicked serotonin syndrome. Felt like opiate withdrawal, throwing up constantly, killer headache with vision disturbance and those fucking brain zaps, hot/cold flashes, and general weakness.
Honestly one of the worst feelings i've ever had. One of those situations where you want to die.
Mind you I was only taking a therapeutic dose. My doctor had recommended it and told me to discontinue immediately.

I know some people enjoy it, but please proceed with caution. This drug can do some serious damage.


Well-Known Member
The influence of this thread had me procure a handful of tramodol over the weekend. I tried 100 mg and got no effect, I hooked down another 200 and felt slightly nauseous with an undercurrent of anger or frustration (of course that may have been hightened by the bad cigar day). I have a few more and might try 300 out of the gate - thoughts? is this too much? I have only a slight tolerance to opiates and or opioids.

Wait a minute - DUCK? some of you other folks? what is the difference between an opiate and an opioid?


Well-Known Member
From Wikipedia:
An*opioid*is any psychoactive chemical that resembles*morphine*or other*opiates*in its pharmacological effects. Opioids work by binding toopioid receptors, which are found principally in thecentral*and*peripheral nervous system*and thegastrointestinal tract. The receptors in these organ systems mediate both the beneficial effects and theside effects*of opioids.Although the term*opiate*is often used as a synonym for*opioid, the term*opiate*is properly limited to the natural*alkaloids*found in the resin of the*opium poppy*(Papaver somniferum), whileopioid*refers to both opiates and synthetic substances, as well as to*opioid peptides.

I wouldn't be taking 300mg if I were you. This isn't just due to my personal experience but that is close to the ceiling dose.

Be safe!

ETA wrong quote


Active Member
200 mg at once has me happy and giddy for 2-3 hours then it turns into a 6-7 hour (nodding at points) high that tapers off for another 2-3 hours. all while having a GREAT itch,

50 mg will get me through an 8 hour shift virtually pain free, or out of w/d if that happens to be the case at the time.

400 mg is seizure level dosing and what not so 300 mg is probably pushing it so i wouldn't fuck with it. Though im sure you can produce better than trammies canndo lol


Well-Known Member
The influence of this thread had me procure a handful of tramodol over the weekend. I tried 100 mg and got no effect, I hooked down another 200 and felt slightly nauseous with an undercurrent of anger or frustration (of course that may have been hightened by the bad cigar day). I have a few more and might try 300 out of the gate - thoughts? is this too much? I have only a slight tolerance to opiates and or opioids.
The last few times I got ahold of any Trams I had a lower tolerance than I do now, but I usually wouldn't bother with anything less than 400mg. But that's just me. I didn't realize until later that I maybe should've taken it a bit easy. I never suffered any ill effects, though. Don't come across em much anymore. Found several of the 200mg ones years ago. Good times.

Mr John

Active Member
Oh shit that is funny, with the dry mouth I also get itchy after awhile. This is after a 100mg dose. what is up with the itching... BTW I usually go for 50mg and things go fine, but once in awhile (Pretty rarely) i will try 100. That's when the itching comes in, not bad at all but enough that I am asking myself wtf.

The itching only lasts for about 5 min