transplant after flowering?

whats up RIU,

this is my first grow, after finding out 3 of my 4 plants were male my one gurl was left with alot of room. shes in a 1 gallon pot. im 10 days into flowering and i watered her on the 8th day and today the dirt was already dry and she was drooping so i watered her again today.

you guys think it would be fine to transfer into a bigger pot? or would that make her turn hermi?

lemme know what you think.

thanks G's, keep it growin.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
you can but you may stress it and add a week or two to the harvest but yeah it can be done
you really want a strong root stystem before flowering but hey thats first grows are for learning


Well-Known Member
ya you should have transplanted a day or two before flipping the switch. if you're extra gentile i think you'll be ok.


Well-Known Member
Its not big deal man, switch up pots. It doesnt have to be that big, the roots wont grow to much, but they will develope in the new soil.
alright. thanks for the replies. if i woulda known she woulda had so much room she'd be in a huge pot right now. but i was hoping for more then 1 female. still debating if i should try transplanting or just let stay in the one gallon cause shes pretty healthy.