transplant and strain help and advice


the pic is around 18 days from seed, i plan on transplanting to my final 3 gal. , should i leave them in the containers they are in now for awhile or transplant them? Also the strains im growing l to r Mango, Double Berry, Cluster Bomb and Iced Grapefruit, any info on these 4 would be appreciated. peaceDSCN0701.JPG


Well-Known Member
I like to leave my clones/seedlings in small containers until they are mostly root bound or until I have to water them every day. It really seems to be personal preference though. I just notice faster post-transplant growth when I let them stay in the small containers longer.

I grew a Mango a few cycles back. It had fan leaves the size of pie plates. I'm not the biggest fan of defoilation, but I had to butcher that bitch so she would fit in my damn flowering tent. I had a single blade from a fan leaf that was 11 inches long.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Hmm, looking good so far. I would wait like Bucees says, but I would put them into solo cups till the roots found the bottom of the cups and then go on to the final home.
Be sure to put some air/water flow holes (5) in the sides of the cups at the bottom.


Those little guys should be fine for at least another week or so, maybe even 2. Their roots have most likely not colonized even half of their current container. I, like Bucees, prefer to keep mine in a smaller containers so that I can feed or water them more frequently. As long as their roots aren't obviously bound and blowing out of the drainage holes in your containers, you're usually good to go.