Transplant fail


Well-Known Member
So I pulled a newb move and transplanted wen soil was moist and ripped half of the roots off and now the plant only looks good out the tent and as soon as it hits light it droops. Its obvious I need to keep it shaded but my question is how long does it usally last till it gets back to normal? Its 23 days in flower


Well-Known Member
Im growing in soil. Ffof caused my root rot lol its da only one that I didnt add perlite to and look wut happens lol I love foxfarms but to me its obvious ffof needs more perlite in there soil cuz my other plants r looking fuggin gorgeous and ther mixed with perlite. Never will I go ffof without perlite again. But back to my question is this gonna take as long as a clone would to root back up? Never ripd this many roots b4. My harvest day was suppost to be around christmas but now this is definit gonna push me back a week or 2


Well-Known Member
I took it from under the light cuz its gettin so droopy were it looks like it was dien. Dnt think thats such good advice.


Well-Known Member
im using ocean forest, but i then line the bottom of my buckets with hydroton(brown stones) and i cut out a.c. filters to line between the soil & stones. Drains well for me.. and i got the advice from a experienced grower. for your problem, i dont know what you should do for your scenario. I think you should put it on the normal lighting schedule and see what happens.. keeping the plants out of the light wont help it grow and fight of the root rot. If you dont put it under light i think you will have problems with yield definitely.


Well-Known Member
If you have any willow tree's in your area, you are in luck. Make some willow water (easy google search) and give your plant a nice dose of that. It'll cut down the recovery time a lot. If you don't then it might take a couple weeks depending on your plant. Either way you're going to see a smaller yield from that plant. Also, if that plant produces seeds, toss 'em. Those plants will be very susceptible to root rot. Hope it all works out for you, and remember next time, transplant 2 weeks before flowering to make sure your plant goes into flowering with as little stress as possible.