Transplant? Pics


As i was transplanting my plant into a better area for the rest of its grow. Unfortunately as i was, the wind picked up and folded two leaves and they curled up and are seeming to die. BUT, nothing else is wrong with the plant, and there are signs of rapid growth still showing, AKA the new growth isnt affected and is green as green gets. I know i have some yellow spots, but that happened due to lack of nutes, ive already taken care of that problem though. My plants quite big, and is growing outdoors with 12 hours of sun everyday. I just hoped this wouldnt be a problem with the plant, other than this, everything is going good with it, should i be concerned? Here are pictures.

Does this look okay, or should i be worried?

Im in the mid of the 4th week of growing.
I water about once every 2 days.


betta take covr

Active Member
Same thing happened to one of my plants when i i took it out of the pot to add more dirt, two of the leaves curled up just like that, i just left them alond eventually the burn leaves turned yellow and i cut it off


Well-Known Member
Looks a little overwatered. It's pretty young to be showing any nutrient deficiencies. I think she just needs time.