Transplant to Hydro... Leafs turning on me HELP PLEASE!!!

I already posted in the plant problem page. But I'm doing stealth ebb and flow. 2 6500k & 2 2700k 1000W. I did the transfer two days ago. The outside leafs have some brown spots as you will be able to tell from some of the pictures. However in the middle she seems to have had some growth in the last day only a tiny bit though. Temp is between 86-90 throughout the day. Im using fox farm Big Bloom and Grow Big. Air stone and everything. Just wondering if this was normal or if she is in some trouble. I am a newb so I appreciate any help I can get thanks.
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Well-Known Member
between the heat, the lights and the nutes u have serious issues. cut back big on nutes,little baby girlslike that need less than 200ppm. max temps, after dialing in everything and adding co2 should be 84. 78 is good. dont really understand ur lights but imagine putting a newborn in direct sun.


Well-Known Member
back up on lighting also, you can increase light as they progress, you need to get your temps down and back off the nutes, keep your rocks well watered with regular watering every hour or 2, i have seen seedlings come back from this state to healthy, good luck
No one responded so I posted another one..... Was that wrong? Didn't know there was a written rule to try and save my plant?