transplant to outside


Well-Known Member
im about ready to move mine outdoors i am putting a good ways from my house (12 miles) so when i go to transplant them should i buy some big 3 gal pots and just sit them out or would it be ok to plant them in the ground
i have also heard once they get about 3 ft tall i can tie the tops down and they will grow along the ground to reduce visibility is this true?


New Member
the ground thing is kinda true i dont think that it will grow along the ground but it will grow out instead of up wards // an easier way to do this is just to top the plant // causing it to grow out instead of up making it look less like a traditional pot plant and u might get i higher yield to but idk // as for the 3 gal pots that seems like a good idea becouse u dont have to worry about the nutritionla value of the soil at ur sight but it also has its downfalls to u would notice a pot on the ground before u notice a pot plant


Well-Known Member
If you slowly tie your plant down, you can eventually create a "ground vine" plant with colas sticking up along the length of plant.
If you start when the plant is relatively young, it will be more pliable and you simply keep pulling it as low as you need it with more stakes and tie downs.


New Member
pots in the ground = bad idea. do put some grade-A soil in the ground for your girls to grow in. topping your plants will be easier but if you have the idea that you want to tie them down you dont have to wait till they are 3 feet tall.


Active Member
You don't wanna leave them in pots 12 miles away - you want them in the ground. Pots dehydrate, and then you'll be...12 miles away when they keel over and die. If they're in the ground the hydration/dehydration curve isn't nearly as steep. As Toker says, dig a nice size pit, fill with good soil and plant them in there. Try to plot your move shortly before a nice rain shower - plants that experience trauma (ie: after transplanting or any other activity that shocks them) do much better if watered.


Well-Known Member
outdoors training a plant low will usually yield more than a topped plant, to succesfully top a plant, and not just end up with two main stalks, you need to do it several times or once when it is young, this will stunt the plant for a week or two, lowering overall yield, training however doesn't stop you plant from growing. just don't overbend it however or youll have a dead baby.


Active Member
Does anyone here know or have any resources to hiding plants outside? I'm sort of in a dilemna. I got to be able to conceal these plants soon because I'm having a babyshower next month. I would appreciate any suggestions from y'all. Peace...


New Member
just put them in a heavyily wooded area anywhere that u dont really want to go to place ur plants is where u should plant"if u dont want to go there then other people wont" ex. pricker bushes extreamlly wooded areas and such //good luck hiding them // depending on what kind of house u have u could put them on the roof providing that its not to hot


Active Member
This might sound like a silly/simple/crude way of disguising plants, but hear me out. A few years back I had some big Sativa's in the front yard. Although there was a highish wall we lived RIGHT on a busy main road, under the flight path of many police and medic choppers. So, some guerilla action was required. What we did was head to the florist and buy loads of fake flowers that came on a piece of wire. Each week we would wire a few more 'flowers' to the bushes until we had a yard that for all intents and purposes looked chock full of pretty flowers. Neighbours even commented on how well our blooms were doing. Why thank you, ma'am.
I figure you could do the same in forested areas, just try to find flowers that are as near as dammit to common or garden varieties so that they won't look outta place or attract attention cos they look exotic.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Silk flowers is an old timer trick to blend a few plants in the yard. Just look for flowers that look like local flowers so they dont look out of place or attract to much positive attention.