Transplant to smaller pot?


Active Member
Anyone ever transplant from a larger pot to a smaller sized? The reason I want to do this is my Mother plant is in a 15 gallon pot, and taking up too much real estate. I never need to take more than a dozen cuttings or so at a time, and can easy get that size out of a 1 gallon pot if I really wanted to. I really just want to preserve this generation of my plant. I was thinking after the next time I take cuttings of moving her down to a smaller size. Once I shake the dirt out of the root ball, I'm sure she will fit into a smaller area, my concern is will she be able to recover if I have to cut away some roots to make her fit?


Well-Known Member
You could trim back some roots...which will shock the hell out of her.
I would just clone another mother plant. Then flower your mother.

But, that's just me.


Active Member
I'm not really concerned about shock, I have plenty of time and plenty of plants, just trying to preserve this generation. I've heard mixed reviews in regard to whether or not genetics degrade if you take clones of clones. I probably wouldn't notice a difference, but just keeping it this way to be safe. I assumed she would survive pretty much no matter what, just was wondering if anyone had done it before.


Well-Known Member
yea you can do that my man

A lot of growers who keep moms will prune their roots and keep them in the same container / pot

yes at first the plant will go through some shock but does recover


Active Member
I'm either going to stuff her in a 1 gallon from a 15, or flower her gangly ass and abandon the strain, haven't decided. If I repot, I'll definitely give the details.