Transplanted from DWC into Coco, very pale plants with brown tips.


Well-Known Member
Technically my plants are 57 days from seed but they look more like two weeks (?) from seed. They have been transplanted from DWC into coco 6 days ago to avoid total death from root rot. How they looked just prior transplanting, it was crazy bad, mega stress... All in all, Im happy they are still alive. They are having a 600 MH set at 16 inches.

BUT Im still having issues with their brown spots on the leaves - even on new shoots. Is it nute burn or are they starving? Why so pale?

During the coco time they have been fed two times with Canna Terra Vega, each 310 ppm of which 120 was calmag. Temps under control, ph 5.8 to 6.0. I had minimal runoff if any, so I suspected salt buildup. I discontinue Terra Vega and started with Canna Coco A&B. Today I flushed them with 60% runoff, 5.8 ph, 190 ppm of which 120 was calmag. How long should I wait till I can feed them again after the flush? And how should I go about it - 300, 500 or 700 ppm? Im confused, read alot about feeding but still confused what should I do.

What changes have to be made, so they can FINALLY start thriving?



Well-Known Member
this is an example of a total mistake and noobies should study this guy closely, leaping from one medium to another tho similar won't sort this guys issue, as root rot, Pythium is a fungi virus and must be taken seriously from the outset ..Pythium has its own distinctive smell and is very noticeable from any initial infection, at a 75% chance of total misdiagnose on the part of OP, we offer a clip from my blog: as consideration.

But all really know it to be blatantly nute burn, so flush to my blog again.... good luck


Well-Known Member
Its just I never thought that a few days of 400 ppm will cause that severe burn. I upped to 400 from 250 when I was advised to do so. And now all of a sudden theres a major burn all over.

Could too strong bleach solution cause a burn like that? I used 1 to 10 ratio when fighting rot, dipped the whole root ball into solution for 60 sec, two times.

You say it wont solve my rot problem because dwc and coco being too similar? But dwc->soil being totally different story then...?


Well-Known Member
Leaf tips curling up. Leaf margins curling up. dead leaf tips. dead leaf edges. mid-rib still green. stunted growth.

Your plants are really messed up.
IMO- cut all the dead leaves off your plant. They won't recover.
make sure you cut off all the root rot, and cleaned your roots in some H2O2 solution.
If you have a cloning/rooting solution you can water them with that for a couple weeks, they should recovery by them.
The cloning/rooting solution has a light mix of plant food in it. You don't want to feed them much until they show signs of recovery.
Keep in mind transplanting causes some stress. Try not to transplant a all ready stressed plant.

Good Luck on Your grow.


Well-Known Member
Leaf tips curling up. Leaf margins curling up. dead leaf tips. dead leaf edges. mid-rib still green. stunted growth.

Your plants are really messed up.
IMO- cut all the dead leaves off your plant. They won't recover.
make sure you cut off all the root rot, and cleaned your roots in some H2O2 solution.
If you have a cloning/rooting solution you can water them with that for a couple weeks, they should recovery by them.
The cloning/rooting solution has a light mix of plant food in it. You don't want to feed them much until they show signs of recovery.
Keep in mind transplanting causes some stress. Try not to transplant a all ready stressed plant.

Good Luck on Your grow.
Yes, bad shape indeed. But better, than prior to coco. I already see new growth everywhere, and plants (except one) stand straight up.

Dead leaf = less than 25% green color left?
I cleaned my roots from rot and cut off all dead roots (at least 50% of total root mass), then treated with bleach solution (now that I think was little too strong mix).
I have Clonex, Rhizotonic and Root Complex - which should I use?
I already transplanted from dwc to coco 6 days ago; you dont suggest that I should transplant to soil now, do you...?

Thank you, I need all the luck there is.


Well-Known Member
Another transplant probably won't help. Dial back the nutes and re-treat for root rot using H2Os like Topfuel suggested. You'll have to do your own research on dosage.