Transplanting and nutrient .


Active Member
I was curious if anyone put any nutrient in their water when they transplanted from first pot to second pot (big upgrade from dixie cups).


Well-Known Member
I was curious if anyone put any nutrient in their water when they transplanted from first pot to second pot (big upgrade from dixie cups).
What soil are you using ....nobody can accurately answer this question without knowing what your transplanting into


Active Member
I transplanted into Roots Organics Formula 707. I will be doing another transplant in the next 7 days too.


Well-Known Member
Calcium is the first element needed by roots. No calcium, no growth. There after a bit of P always brings up carbohydrates and forces more roots. Unless you were planting into a huge amount of P, which no one usually has, you might be correct. As for calcium, no, everyone needs calcium.


Well-Known Member
That stuff doesn't look like there is any calcium amendments. Send a sample quickly to spectrum analytic in ohio and get a soil analysis run, both M3 and [email protected], plus nitrogens, aluminum and sodium. Post it, let's dial it in.