Transplanting clones from aero-clone box to 6" RockWool cubes . . .

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
Just transplanted 60 rooted clones from aero-clone box into 6" Rock Wool cubes, under four 600w HIDs, using little crouton-sized RW pieces as filler.

Poured half cup of straight ph-balanced water gently over RW cubes before setting in 4' x 8' trays.

Flooded trays once with solution for less than ten minutes.

Lights on 24 hours/day.

It's been 24 hours since this all happened, and half of the plants look sad. By sad I mean dead. Help please.


Well-Known Member
Wow, that's a lot of plants. They are in shock. I didn't see you mention you soaked the rockwool cubes before you used them. If you didn't and just poured some water over them then my guess is the ph is so high it is killing your plants.

Its recomended to soak the rockwool cubes for 24 hours in ph 5.5 before useing them.
Thats with tap water, distilled just intill the runoff or water in the bucket is acceptable. Tap water you want to set overnight to get rid of the cholrine

What I would do is ph some distilled water, water the top of the cube and let it drip out the bottom to try and flush the cube. Then set the cube on a towel to help suck it through. That way you wont be drownding the girls.

keep the cubes warm, 75 to 80 and the ambiant temps cooler, like 70 degrees and wait a few days before watering again.

Good luck man.
Been there done


Well-Known Member
I always take my soaking water to 5.0 and the cubes sit for 24 hours. Then put them in pots and put my germinated seeds in the medium still soaking wet and go 24 hours before turning on my drip system.

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
Yeah...what a rookie mistake on my part. I didn't soak the RW at all. Lost only 8 plants though after evasive action was taken. Might just take another 75 clones and start all over at this point though; don't want there to be disproportionate growth or stunting in any of them if I can help it. :wall:

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
Everything's turned out well after the initial shock. Conditioning the rock wool is essential! Thanks for all the help.