Transplanting During Flowering!

yooo, been a while. You cna take everyones adive and ffed you plant shit, or you can get some high grad pharmicutical isotops used for you plants iwht no dye etc in them and will be in the form that your plant will accept.. All these nuts these guys are telling you to feed are (SHIT) and that they are all in the wrong form for nut uptake, and therefor, you getting 2/3 then what it tell use.. Those who wont to debate, debate..Make sure you know your Table!! Bionic-- Im going to go ask this old man I know who lives with indians out in the bush here in BC and ill get all the good info you need if you want to go organic OR use what u have around the house for fertilizer.. Ill send u a private msg for the info..... give me a day, and wait on buying any nuts thats being distrubuted by a mutinational corpration like HOmedept, wal-mart etc, they use nothing but shit and cheep generic rip of thats people THINK accualy help there plant!! If you going to go CHEEP and choose to use dye anyway's in your nuts go GH for 12bucks a L... You get what u pay for!!
BTW is that the same plant u showed a a week ago roughly??? sinceu trans plant and add newlight?
Ya Its The Same Plant. And Ill Wait On Getting Nuts. Cuz Im Getting Money On Thursday. Payday Yay. And Well For Sure Ill Give You A Day. And I Never Transplanted Her. Cuz Going Bigger To 2 Inches Would Roughly Change Anything. So Ya. Ill Be Waiting For Ya Bro. Thanks:]
Hey, im back, ill talk to the old wise man about it tommorrow.. Thats prob today when u get it, tommorw is tuesday. fcuk im tired, just transplant to much and moved last crop soil out. feel like im 89. BTW, I how far are u in flower? And good idea not to transplant, fuck it, not gonna do much.. I did an experiment Ill let u know exaclly how it turned out once I get dryed wait, but it's simple and interesting to know.. Ill let u know in detail when I write tommorrow. (tuesdAY)
K il ttyl.
broke as a motherfucker? you can buy a bag but you can't buy nutes for FIVE BUCKS? if that's true, then yes, you are broke as a motherfucker.

ps - asking for advice then giving the statement "i DGAF" is rather self-defeating if you ask me.

do yourself a favor, seriously- pick up change for a week until you have five bucks. then get some nutes. IT'S FIVE DOLLARS. fuck, i'll MAIL you some fucking ferts/nutes if you're THAT broke.

you can naysay all you want, but in the end you're only hurting YOUR yield. I'm just trying to give advice that will result in MORE WEED- more weed that YOU WON'T HAVE TO BUY. if you're broke, then more weed that you won't have to buy is a sound investment, no?

you're one funny/silly dude!


Hey, im back, ill talk to the old wise man about it tommorrow.. Thats prob today when u get it, tommorw is tuesday. fcuk im tired, just transplant to much and moved last crop soil out. feel like im 89. BTW, I how far are u in flower? And good idea not to transplant, fuck it, not gonna do much.. I did an experiment Ill let u know exaclly how it turned out once I get dryed wait, but it's simple and interesting to know.. Ill let u know in detail when I write tommorrow. (tuesdAY)
K il ttyl.

fasho my dawg haha. well im about a month into flowering.
yooo, been a while. You cna take everyones adive and ffed you plant shit, or you can get some high grad pharmicutical isotops used for you plants iwht no dye etc in them and will be in the form that your plant will accept.. All these nuts these guys are telling you to feed are (SHIT) and that they are all in the wrong form for nut uptake, and therefor, you getting 2/3 then what it tell use.. Those who wont to debate, debate..Make sure you know your Table!! Bionic-- Im going to go ask this old man I know who lives with indians out in the bush here in BC and ill get all the good info you need if you want to go organic OR use what u have around the house for fertilizer.. Ill send u a private msg for the info..... give me a day, and wait on buying any nuts thats being distrubuted by a mutinational corpration like HOmedept, wal-mart etc, they use nothing but shit and cheep generic rip of thats people THINK accualy help there plant!! If you going to go CHEEP and choose to use dye anyway's in your nuts go GH for 12bucks a L... You get what u pay for!!
BTW is that the same plant u showed a a week ago roughly??? sinceu trans plant and add newlight?

Pharmaceutical grade isotopes? Uh, what are you talking about? Can you be a bit more specific? Do you mean organic? Seems a big ambiguous to me.

Dude, the guy is a n00b and he's asking for help. Some people don't have the means/time to go organic (or whatever the hell you're suggesting) and most chemical ferts are PH balanced, which takes out any PH guesswork if you're using distilled water.

Why make things more complicated than they need be, especially at this point in the game? K.I.S.S., remember?

I'd like to hear more about what these 'isotopes' are that you speak of. I'm never one to turn down a learning opportunity.

Hey Bionic, how's she lookin'?
Its best to have your plants truely settled at flowering stage but transplanting will not kill them eather unless you cause it .....peaceeeeeeee
lol chilll jefhrel,
Well its manufacuterd in BC and it's simply the best. dutchmaster is comming in second here in BC. It gets made out of a univeristy and is YES completly high grade and lol no it's not organic if its pharmisutical, soo think a bit.... Not gonna share the label with ya and sorry about the time bionicl, me and telus had a bit of a dispute.. I won btw :)
I got my 270internet and phone bil to 0 :) And im back on line.... If u still read this fourm, let me know so I can then post info for u.
lol chilll jefhrel,
Well its manufacuterd in BC and it's simply the best. dutchmaster is comming in second here in BC. It gets made out of a univeristy and is YES completly high grade and lol no it's not organic if its pharmisutical, soo think a bit.... Not gonna share the label with ya and sorry about the time bionicl, me and telus had a bit of a dispute.. I won btw :)
I got my 270internet and phone bil to 0 :) And im back on line.... If u still read this fourm, let me know so I can then post info for u.

ya dude im here. ima have new pics up if your gonna be on tonight. my baby i topped is comming along beautifully no nute damage no heat damage no nothing:] and well my female...she is doing better than she was. i kno no what i did wrong. they were haveing tottal darkness. but hopefully she will get it alllthe time after lights out. but today im going to get some nutes....and some new lights. wish i had money to get a ballast but that will eventually come too. but if your on around 4 or 5 pacific time then ill show you man. thanks for your guys help!!
Yea im Pacific time, i get out of class at 4, then I have a couple things i need 2 tend 2.. List your photo's.. U gonna by another light? Cerious quesiton, u live on your own or are u the one trying to grow in parents house lol.... If u on yhour own, I was gnna say get a 1000W or 600, and get 1LB of pot- maybe make 1000 off to the side, well keeping some for personal.
Wish I could show ya my new crop pics but GF has Camera, and shes in a differnece province/state. U know those pics of the outdoor seed crop I had going, u should see those suxxers now lol.
haha for sure. and i live on my own with my gf but she is telling me not to get anymore light and im like women they need more light. ya kno.
but im getting some 42 watt cfls from walmart today. so ya. and im gettin some blloombooster by mircle gro that my dad used to use all the time. and he got fattasss budds. we were chattin about that last night cuz i told him you kno. and he was like father like son takin your fathers foot steps ayyy ahah.
LOL, i had a simlier conversation with my father. Except we keep it prity simple, since I just met him. Not to sure about miricle grow, I onyl heard bad ass things from it, create a new thread and ask people, althouhg im learning that most people know litle on this site lol. They only know what they read!
When u apply a bloomboster make sure u check your pH.. I can't remebr if u got a pH pen but if u do try and make it around 6.1 Thats the safe zone number I found.
Got any more pics?
Hey u live with GF, drop all lights and go get a 600HPS or 1000W. In canada 1000W are cheaper becuase most poeple want 600W here lol. I just started with 600W systems and they prove to be growing just as good as 1000W ALTHOUGH they are pritty limited in light coverage. They dont illuminate much but just as good as a 1000W becuase when u start to use the FULL protential of a 1000W your plants around the edge wil suffer BIG time, and are only creating morehassle then I found to be wroth.
If u get a 600W, u can still run a couple fans on the same plug! If u run a 1000W I would only run the 1000W of the curit. Make sure they are wired right to the correct Voltage. Your hydropnic store will do this for you.
One last thing I know is that, prity much no matter were u are, a 1000W bulb will not get u busted. its friends and dope smell! So dont short change yourself and get your 1lb of dope lol...
just a tip...shouldnt have your timer an gear in the room due to the fact water and electricity dont mix well..hahaha
5 days into flowering is fine. I had a Lemon Skunk that should have been in 3 gal pots instead of 1 gal so I took the chance and tp'd at 4 weeks into flower. It didnt hurt the plants but when I harvested them, I took note that the roots did NOT grow into the new soil. It didnt really fuck them up but it didnt help because the promix stayed wet for long periods of time. Lookin back now I figure I'd have been better off to leave them, even at the risk of being slightly rootbound. Hope this helps.
as long as its before 30 days, your plants should be able to stick it out. BUT BE GENTLE!
remember your completely altering their place in the environment. you should also use at least two nodes down on your clone.
Now that Ive seen what Ive seen, Id be hesitant to do a transplant on anything after 2 weeks into flower. But this isnt gonna happen again !
Hey guys.

Hein here all the way from sunny south africa.

I am currently growing some nice bagseed swazi. I started my grow in a pc box to go stealth but never thought of what will happen when she starts flowering. So needless to say, I had to lst like a mofo.

Anyway, back to the point. My plant is about 4-5 weeks into flowering and has become slightly rootbound. Seeing that is bagseed and an experiment, can I leave it like it is? I know that I will sacrifice yield but will it still survive?
