Transplanting hack


Well-Known Member
I think it'll definitely help with avoiding any major infestations. I'd be more worried about the heat and having to climb up there so much for maintenance lol. Roofing for 4+ years, I've had soles from the bottom of my shoes melt off while I was wearing them. I definitely like the idea but man thats gonna be a bitch to take care of
Now that's it getting so big I find I have to water every 2-3 days depending on how hot it's been, rain helps obviously


Well-Known Member
It's really cool, but I'd be worried about the roof. There should be drain holes in those cans, so that dirty water I would think will stain the roof, and leave some nasty marks. I hope I'm wrong though because I like the idea.
It might but who cares. "Oh bro your roof is stained you must be real trash" lol. I feel like the rain should wash most of it away.


Well-Known Member
Im impressed and will be watching your progress. Can i ask is your house a bungalow or two story? How high are the plants from ground level?
It's only a bungalow not sure of the exact height but I do need a decent ladder to get me up there


Well-Known Member
I go up my ladder with the garden hose, I'm a former roofer it's no issue for me
Im already starting to bitch about having to water mine thats in my closet 15ft away... fuuck that lol. From the looks you're having to feed them a lot right? 35gal trash cans? Dedicated! :clap:

Didn't see the hose part.
Wish i was lucky enough to feed with a hose..


Well-Known Member
Any guesses on what these things will yield? Using gaia green (2 first fulls per pot or should I say bin) pretty much have to water every other day, has been dry here lately. Will switch to the gaia green power bloom as soon as I see signs of flower.



Well-Known Member
Any guesses on what these things will yield? Using gaia green (2 first fulls per pot or should I say bin) pretty much have to water every other day, has been dry here lately. Will switch to the gaia green power bloom as soon as I see signs of flower.
Bout a pound. LOL

If everything goes perfectly you could be getting 5+ bows per.