Transplanting!i need help!

ok say that the first 2-3 weeks of the plants life is under 4 60wt florecents .. would it matter if i transplanted them to outdoor??


Well-Known Member
go ahead and do it i dont know where you live but as long as theirs no frost it sounds like a good idea


Well-Known Member
ok say that the first 2-3 weeks of the plants life is under 4 60wt florecents .. would it matter if i transplanted them to outdoor??
Introduce them slowly to natural sun. 3 week old plants under Florescent Light may be a little weak. You may want to put them out for awhile and see if the leaves go limp or curl up.

After a couple of days they should be strong enough to go out alone. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
You can add a more gradual incline to the introduction to sunlight by having them in a sunny window for a day or two, and then moving them into full sinlight.

This might take away a small element of shock to the plant.

Good luck!