Transplanting in Flowering Cycle: Can it Heart the Lady ?


if u transplant 3 week into 12/12 and u do it realy realy carefully is it okay to do that or to risky to much stress to the lady and she will hermie or something like that ?

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
If it doesn't need to be transplanted, I would not. If it is in too small of a pot for the size, that will stress it so then in that case I would. I would not break up or loosen the root ball. Just put it into the bigger pot and add your soil mix. The roots will move out if they need to and you won't do any damage to them by playing with the root ball.


Active Member
If your gonna do it, be very very gentle with her root base(obviously you know that!=)) , you do for sure risk stressing the plant tremendously, but if your careful you can very much limit the shock. definitely not recommended, but sometimes you got to do what you got to do (I know how that goes and it aint a great feeling !). A top grower would advise transplantation no later than two weeks BEFORE you start 12/12 light schedule, but like you know now, sometimes it's a rock or a hard place so somethings got to give. In the past I have seen late transplant stress, eased by various products such as ZHO root inoculant or Great White, in combo with one of these products, I would recommend Roots accelerator by House and Garden and also H&G's foliar spray product: Magic Green (works great for plant stress in general- it's magic =)), and old tyme' Superthrive at a 1/2 dose added to your normal feed batch. good luck bro, if yer careful (which imo if your concerned enough to ask- you treat yer girls good, so you will be careful off of instinct alone) she will be fine. any possibility of keeping her in the container she is in, ripping out the bottom and transplanting her without removing her from the container she is in?


Well-Known Member
I did it and it didn't seem to hurt any. I was in 3 gallon and I went to a 5 gallon. It was well worth it in the end because the 3 gallon really was quite a bit too small and I had to water constantly.


hi guys tanks allot for all of ya !!!

hi medicalsb(first of all thanks man great words there) , i will askk more detailed she is in 11 L okay but when i did first plant i was a bit stupid and the soil is not all the way to the top so what i tohught is to lift her up a bit and put some more of the soil i have on the bottum and then put her again inside so she will have some more space for the roots to continue growing , now what say u ??? cause mayb i can skipp and just let it bee...


Well-Known Member
if u transplant 3 week into 12/12 and u do it realy realy carefully is it okay to do that or to risky to much stress to the lady and she will hermie or something like that ?
I've done it with every plant with every grow I've ever done, and none to gently either, I untangle the roots if necessary often breaking off pieces in the process. NEVER had a hermie or noticed a grow setback. MJ is a VERY tough plant.


Active Member
man... that is a tough call. if it were me, If i was going to transplant or move her at all, I think I'd probably transplant to a larger container. say like a 10 gal (about 40L) thule trashcan with drainage holes in the bottom, fill that 3/4 full of soil- soak it down - check ph- transplant the girl into the new home with moist soil waiting for her and gently close her in and water again. I'd probably use some sort of foliar application that could offset her stress. but my point is, unless you go to a much larger container, I would just leave her be. because my opinion is getting in another 2L or so of soil under her may not be beneficial enough to outweigh the potential damage to her root zone that you risk by removing her from her pot. thats my two cents, but I would advise you to go with your gut, Don't feel hopeless, all that makes a great grower is time, research, and a whole lot of mistakes under the belt. Maybe sit back and see what can be done with a root zone her size in that container, and put another plant right next to her in a larger one- this way some research is done, and conclusive data can be obtained by you personally. is there no way at all the bottom of the 11L pot can be cut out without to much vibration or movement?


Active Member
I've done it with every plant with every grow I've ever done, and none to gently either, I untangle the roots if necessary often breaking off pieces in the process. NEVER had a hermie or noticed a grow setback. MJ is a VERY tough plant.
didn't see this post... I should note that I am a hydro guy with only limited soil/outdoor exp. from years ago, so if frmrboi is a soil guy and is that confident , maybe give him a listen... again go with your gut. peace