Transplanting In Flowering

Ok guys and gals, I have a Strawberry Cough (sativa) that is currently in a 5 gallon bucket and they are starting to grow out the bottom of the bucket. Yes it's an inside grow with 400 hps light, its looking good minus the spider mites (Already being irraticated as we speak), and the rootboundness. It's 28 days into Flowering as of today and about another 35-40 days left to go.

So here's my questions.

1. Should I transplant Into a larger container, or doesn't it matter this late in the game?

2. If I do transplant out of a 5 gallon bucket, does it matter if its just as deep as the 5 gallon but wider for more room to the side? It's all I have around here. I just don't know if the roots will grow with more volume but same deepness.

Please anyone help, I don't want my 4 foot baby to die, and I really don't want to hurt her yield. :confused:


Well-Known Member
She will be fine left in the 5 gallon bucket. You may have to just keep more of an eye on watering her. I wouldnt risk stressing the plant while its flowering but if you do decide to transplant it, it will bounce back in a couple of days
Thanks so much for the quick response, I'm always worried about stressing my girl as this is my first grow and my very first seed that I started. She went 60 days veg. and now into almost 30 days flowering, so I really am worried that i'm some how going to screw it up by doing something way wrong.


Well-Known Member
If you got this far then your going to make it ampedirish. As long as you dont have to water every day youll be ok. How frequently are you feeding your girl? Besides i would be more concerned with proper curing techniques, at least from my experience, you want to get the best out of your first grow. And from the sounds of it you will, not much longer till you'll be sitting back puffing on some homegrown
I was watering about once a week but now it's moved up to once every few days which is what made me look at the bottom of my bucket to see if she was growing out of it. She is really sucking up the water now. What happens if I have to water every day?
She started out in little planting plugs till she grew out the bottom than transplanted to a red plastic dixie cup than to the five gallon bucket once they grew out again. I didn't think I was going to need to transplant for a third time so I didn't think anything of it. Ok so I guess everyone agrees, don't transplant this late into flowering?


Well-Known Member
If you recall that mj doesnt like to live in extended periods of wet soil, thats why you make sure your medium is fast draining. It will do just great if your watering every few days, when you starting watering every day you run the risk of root rot, drowning your plant, and etc...