Transplanting issue/question


Well-Known Member
How many of you have 10 pateints ( Wife is caregiver also ) and run a 8KW room and have a waiting list of patients wating YOUR meds...Not many cause all the poser cargivers make my job easy,,.,Nuff said
2 caregivers under one roof? I think that was just ruled as being illegal... You can not have access to your wifes patients plants and vise-versa. I hop you guys have your shit separated in different locked rooms. Doesn't sound like it when you are bragging that YOU have 10 patients...

Keep up the good work, it's good piece of mind knowing that there are always bigger fish to fry than a little poser like myself. :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah they just got a guy that was letting his buddies keep their plants in his building. I haven't heard all the details but apparently they were all locked in separate rooms for each person but the cops are trying to say since it's his building and it had 88 plants from different people that as soon as they left the plants were technically in the one guy's possession.

Don't quote me on this as I just heard those parts on the news an they were still getting it sorted out. They didn't really have all the info yet.


Active Member
No we are seperated. And you think or you know it was just rulled illegal. Comming up everyone will have to lock up ea patient.


Well-Known Member
I'm not hating on you man. You struck a nerve with me when you started calling people "posers".. Everyone has their own methods, I try to respect them all and be open minded.

There's a lot of ""experts"" who claim one way is the only way, but maybe they just aren't good at doing something the other way where as someone else may be.

Kind of like the guys that believe in root bound plants.. I say there's no such thing. I've yielded 3oz in 1/2 gallon of dirt off a 3' tall plant. Most people would've had that plant die and called it root bound.

If we master a particular method then it works for us, don't mean it will for everyone. Maybe some of these guys mastered poppin seeds in 5g buckets?


Well-Known Member
No one was hating, I was just saying there's more than one way to do it and not everyone does it the same way.


New Member
THIS GUY JUST WANTED ADVISE ON A TRANSPLANT !! All you argumentative ass holes are just going to chase people away. Who gives a fuck if your legal or not the OP sure don't. Help the guy quit bitching.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure he already got helped straw boss.

Also it's hypocritical to bitch about us bitching and tell someone else to help the guy instead of helping him while piling on one more useless post.


Well-Known Member
THIS GUY JUST WANTED ADVISE ON A TRANSPLANT !! All you argumentative ass holes are just going to chase people away. Who gives a fuck if your legal or not the OP sure don't. Help the guy quit bitching.
Who the fuck pissed in your wheaties this morning? We're trying to have a civil debate/discussion here. Don't just stomp on in all half-cocked :P

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Studies out of MSU have found that potting up increases the speed of development and the amount of top growth of plants. Been there and learned that.


Active Member
It hasn't made it to court, so it hasn't been decided yet.
So Winter, at this point you believe it to be legal for two caregivers under one roof? We are trying to stay WAY legal, by the book. Problem is they keep changing the damn book! I suppose we'll just ride it out.
Why should I bother pissing away more $ on potters... Im having satisfactory results with large root masses with what im doing now

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
There is nothing that says that more than one caregiver can't share a locked room and they haven't changed anything yet. But, if you don't keep a low profile the authorities will visit you and that will be expensive. Remember don't spread what you are doing around and stay under the radar.

So Winter, at this point you believe it to be legal for two caregivers under one roof? We are trying to stay WAY legal, by the book. Problem is they keep changing the damn book! I suppose we'll just ride it out.