transplanting my 1 1/2 month babies question

w@ke & b@ke 10

Active Member
ok so heres whats up, i started my plants in MG poting soil that has nutes that feeds for 3 months. the plants have been in that soil for about a month and a half now, and im getting ready to transplant to larger pots. my question is can i transplate my plants that have been in the MG to soil that contains no nutes so that i can add nutes in the water my self? i feel like the nutes that are still in the soil mixed with more nutes will burn the hell out of my plants but i just dont no and i am not about to risk it :confused:. does anyone know if i can or what i should do? any sort of imput or info would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
I started out the same way you did....fvcked up and used Miracle Grow. You're don't want to add nutes to MG soil.

When you transplant them:
1 Use subdued lighting. Bright lights can damage the roots.
2 Have your new soil ready to go. I use Fox Farms Ocean Forest; you can use Pro Mix too.
3 GENTLY try to get the old MG soil off the roots. DON'T try to get every little spec and clump. Just try to get 80-90 percent of it.
4 Give them a good watering when they are in their new home.

This is what I did, and I had no problems. More detailed info on transplanting is on the site somewhere.....Hope that helps...GL :joint:

w@ke & b@ke 10

Active Member
thanks for the tips, when you removed the soil from the roots did u just use your hands or did u use a tool or somthing and once i get most of the soil off and transplate into new soil i should be able to give them nutes right?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the tips, when you removed the soil from the roots did u just use your hands or did u use a tool or somthing and once i get most of the soil off and transplate into new soil i should be able to give them nutes right?
You don't want to remove any soil from the plants root ball when you transplant into a bigger pot .Just put the fresh soil in the new pot , and sick your plant into it, it's not ROCKET SCIENCE.....
I would flush the plants with pure water, and then start them on a nutrient schedule.

w@ke & b@ke 10

Active Member
no need to be an asshole this is my first grow and i dont no if you read that my plants were in MG with add nutes that feed for 3 months but i didnt know if adding more nutes to what is already in there would burn my plants, even with the new soil in there. but if im understanding correctly your saying that the existing nutes will not burn my plants when more nutes are added to the new soil mix??


Active Member
no need to be an asshole this is my first grow and i dont no if you read that my plants were in MG with add nutes that feed for 3 months but i didnt know if adding more nutes to what is already in there would burn my plants, even with the new soil in there. but if im understanding correctly your saying that the existing nutes will not burn my plants when more nutes are added to the new soil mix??
When you do get em transplanted put em just in the edge of your light for a day or to so its kinda filtered let the old pots get pretty dry since water activates the MG soil. Don't let em fully dry out. He is right that roots can't be exposed to the light or air for long periods and definately not intense light. after you flush em do like a 1/2 nute dose the first time then 3/4 then you shouldn't really have much of a problem with nute burn. Plus they will be able to adjust to the new nute build. Don't try to get all the dirt off the roots or you'll damage the small hairs. Shake off what ya can easily and flush the rest. If you cover the bottom drain holes on your new pots with rocks it makes em drain a ton better, just make sure your pots are big enough to accomadate the rocks plus growing room.

w@ke & b@ke 10

Active Member
When you do get em transplanted put em just in the edge of your light for a day or to so its kinda filtered let the old pots get pretty dry since water activates the MG soil. Don't let em fully dry out. He is right that roots can't be exposed to the light or air for long periods and definately not intense light. after you flush em do like a 1/2 nute dose the first time then 3/4 then you shouldn't really have much of a problem with nute burn. Plus they will be able to adjust to the new nute build. Don't try to get all the dirt off the roots or you'll damage the small hairs. Shake off what ya can easily and flush the rest. If you cover the bottom drain holes on your new pots with rocks it makes em drain a ton better, just make sure your pots are big enough to accomadate the rocks plus growing room.

thanks for all the info and help. if im watering every other day when do you think i should give nutes? like every 4th day or somthing? and im not very familiar with nutes what are some good quatily nutes for a first timer like me to use?


Well-Known Member
Asshole ???? I hope your plants are not as sensitive as you are....
If you water every other day you will be over watering, in my opinion , but then I'm an Asshole , so what do i know.
Foxfarm nutes are good, go easy at first , you can always add more. I would nute at half strength for the first month,do the nutes every other watering. Good luck

w@ke & b@ke 10

Active Member
Asshole ???? I hope your plants are not as sensitive as you are....
If you water every other day you will be over watering, in my opinion , but then I'm an Asshole , so what do i know.
Foxfarm nutes are good, go easy at first , you can always add more. I would nute at half strength for the first month,do the nutes every other watering. Good luck
d00d chill your shit we are all on here for one reason and thats to grow and help people grow, but what ever and iv been watering my plants every other day for there hole life and i have not seen any signs of over watering, but im also a n00b and might not no what to look for. and foxfarm is not available in my area iv already check multiple places, any other suggestion on nutes? anyone


Active Member
yea use mg bloom i used that till i just got my fax farm does great it will get you by no probs till you can get your hands on some nicer nutes :>

For the asshole guy above he is right don't get so butt hurt some people just have a dry sence of humor like myself.


w@ke & b@ke 10

Active Member
yea use mg bloom i used that till i just got my fax farm does great it will get you by no probs till you can get your hands on some nicer nutes :>

For the asshole guy above he is right don't get so butt hurt some people just have a dry sence of humor like myself.


is mg bloom only for flowering or can it be used all around, sry for so many questions that are prob retarded, im n00b.