Transplanting problem ?


Active Member
Hi, I have recently transplanted into 15 litre smart pots but the problem I'm having is drainage surprisingly. Is it at all possible that I compacted to tightly as it's the 5th day now since last watering and 1 knuckle down is still moist. Is there a way around this problem ?

There under a probiolic relector with a 400W m/h

Temp: 74F


Well-Known Member
What size pot did you transplant from?
Depending on that and your medium, that could be normal.
I just transplanted from a 2L plastic pot into a 21L fabric pot, and I have a very water-absorby-and-retainy soil, Canna Terra Professional.

I watered well on transplant, and it was 11 days before it was dry enough to water again.
The plant has been exploding for a week, and still, it's been 6 more days since that ^ watering.


Active Member
I'm using coco and PM with added perlight but I did read if 5 days pass and they still don't need watering then there is a problem. Plus it's not very beneficial for me this way as they will be getting nutrients once every 2 weeks as plain water is required between nutrients waterings.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
I'm using coco and PM with added perlight but I did read if 5 days pass and they still don't need watering then there is a problem. Plus it's not very beneficial for me this way as they will be getting nutrients once every 2 weeks as plain water is required between nutrients waterings.
When you 1st transplant into a smartpot it can't take a week or more before you need to water again. You gotta remember, the roots have not filled the pots yet. You just transplanted... Chill out

Another bit of advice for ya. I cringed when I read that you want to feed every 2 weeks. Yikes!! Your plants are gonna hate you. Trying to make your plants go by your schedule is a mistake. They don't do what you want them to, YOU do what THEY want you to do. You feed them when they are hungry NOT on a time table.

Here, read this


Active Member
When you 1st transplant into a smartpot it can't take a week or more before you need to water again. You gotta remember, the roots have not filled the pots yet. You just transplanted... Chill out

Another bit of advice for ya. I cringed when I read that you want to feed every 2 weeks. Yikes!! Your plants are gonna hate you. Trying to make your plants go by your schedule is a mistake. They don't do what you want them to, YOU do what THEY want you to do. You feed them when they are hungry NOT on a time table.

Here, read this
Chill out man I was only asking if I had a drainage problem oh and the bottom of my smart pots I see a couple healthy white roots I know it's not filled completely but the roots are there, it's been 1 week from transplanting. I looked at your link and can safley say I've researched a good couple hrs a day for the last 3 months and as for over watering that's why I'm here asking the question, I've battled wpm successfully through studying upgrading fans and sterilising with milton fluid killing spores for my first grow I have vigorous growth nice colour leaves and everything is going fine. If I'm told there is a problem if I don't need to water after 5 days I'm just confirming I'm doing the right thing!

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Chill out man I was only asking if I had a drainage problem oh and the bottom of my smart pots I see a couple healthy white roots I know it's not filled completely but the roots are there, it's been 1 week from transplanting. I looked at your link and can safley say I've researched a good couple hrs a day for the last 3 months and as for over watering that's why I'm here asking the question, I've battled wpm successfully through studying upgrading fans and sterilising with milton fluid killing spores for my first grow I have vigorous growth nice colour leaves and everything is going fine. If I'm told there is a problem if I don't need to water after 5 days I'm just confirming I'm doing the right thing!
Pick your pots up, feel how heavy/light they are, when they are very light, but before the plant starts to wilt is when its time to water. After you water, pick them up again, so you can feel how heavy a fully saturated pot is compared to a dry one. Use this lift technique to help you decide when to water.
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Well-Known Member
Hi, I have recently transplanted into 15 litre smart pots but the problem I'm having is drainage surprisingly. Is it at all possible that I compacted to tightly as it's the 5th day now since last watering and 1 knuckle down is still moist. Is there a way around this problem ?

There under a probiolic relector with a 400W m/h

Temp: 74F
What ratio of coco to promix are you using? Sounds like you may have an aeration drainage problem.


Active Member
So happy with the way things are going so far I thought I'd post a few pics of my first grow after battling wpm sinse I can't make a jernal on this site for some reason...


I do have a calcium deficiency but calmag is on order though I am surprised as I have hard water from my tap and thought a cal mag deficiency would come from soft water..

You can see I have yellowing on one of my plants I thought I had lockout so I started flushing but the run off ppm was in the 500s and sinse my tap water is 240 ppm it did not seem so bad so I stopped but can't understand the the lighter green if anyone can help me out here if they know the problem would be a big help...

After more research I don't think what I was told is accurate because if I had a calmag deficiency my lower older leaves would be yellow but as it is effecting newer leaves also I am more convinced it is a iron deficiency or it could just be stress. My plan of action is to leave it for a couple days and see if it clears up as signature hallmark of iron deficiency is the yellowing will go back to being completely green while other deficiencies won't. Another reason could be light burn but as it shorter than my other plant and none of the other plants are effected I can rule that out..


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