Transplanting to 5 gallon buckets

Bob Simmons

New Member
I am new to growing cannabis. These plants are really tall in a 9oz cup and getting ready to transplant in 5 gallon buckets. Need advise on how to transplant without breaking the stem 20230612_113029.jpg

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Support the stalk with a long thin stick, like a skewer.
Lie the plant down on it's side and work off the glass.
Put the plant in a bucket with a few inches of soil (pro-mix?) in the bottom & burry her up to her chin.

Just my opinion.
That 30w light is woefully insufficient for 3 plants.
Your light cost about $1/watt, there's a lot of stuff that the same cost per watt & much better.
Then there's stuff like this, I'm not telling you to get this light, just using it as a comparison.,aps,125&sr=8-26-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9idGY&psc=1&smid=A2ZJA9UUKY06RO


Well-Known Member
We have them in a very dark room with the attached inexpensive grow light we bought off Amazon. Do you have any suggestions on an inexpensive grow light or will the one we have suffice?
If Amazon is your jam then look into Mars Hydro or Spider Farmer LED lights.

T macc

Well-Known Member
Is this for an outdoor grow? Or will this all be indoors? You will need some equipment for indoors


Well-Known Member
If the plant is now in a drinking cup your next move is not the 5 gal pot. You need the roots to spread and take over. Next I use a 1 gallon pot. Then let them grow until they are at least 12 inches but can grow bigger. What is going on is that the root system is spreading out and really starting to draw from your soil. I usually flip before the final transpant. Then I put them in 3 gal in which they can grow to 4 or 5 feet if so inclined.

The way I always transplant is to soak the plant in its little container. When the water runs off say in a half hour then squeeze around the sides and bottom. Prep the container you are putting them into. When you have that then supporting the soil around the plant carefully you turn it over and continuing to squeeze the container let it fall out. Supporting it carefully I then break the roots free of the ball they have grown into so they can spread as quickly as they want to spread. Put them in the new container and fill in around the plant. After give them a good drink and set aside so they can gradually get used to the new container. I have never had any shock this way.