

Active Member
I have four plants about an inch tall (4 days growing) All have two fan leaves and the second set are starting. I have them in regular solo cups.

When should I transplant? This process kind of freaks me out because I feel like I'm going to kill them if I move them the least little bit. Paranoid? You bet.


Well-Known Member
Yea, let them get a little bit bigger. They need to establish a good root system before you transplant to bigger pots. And when you do transplant, I would go ahead and put them in big pots.


Active Member
That's a pretty small pot. I bet they won't get to be too much bigger then that before they start to droop.

Let's see some pics! ;)
they never drooped, they were under a 10w Day light CFL but I added more lights and they grew biger and I didn't trans plant them for proibly 2 to 3 months because I didn't know what I was doing and my friend brought some pots over and transplanted them and they are slower even 1 month later for growth


Well-Known Member
So no pics?

Maybe a shitty strain then, those roots should have been dying to stretch out..