Transplated Plant


Active Member
Hey everyone, This is my first time growing. I started off with a 15 watt flor. tube and 1 seedling. I grew my plant up to 7 inches and luckly i think it turned out to be a female. I dont think you can tell that early but the plant has the hairs females get. Recently about a week ago i transplated my plant into a larger pot and got a 42-/-150 watt cfl light. After I changed the plants pot and lighting the leafs drooped downward and the bottom leafs dryed up and turned yellow. I have pictures but dont know how to post them on this forum so my avatar is the best i got....thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
Looks like your little lady is just hungry.

Drooping leaves could be transplant shock as well....maybe a combo of both.

Feed a bit more Nitrogen and keep an eye out for the leaves perking up....If it happens that way....You should be ok.

If its tranplant shock....It'll rebound and get back to vegging pretty soon.

FYI: Adding some Superthrive to your water/feed helps prevent the shock of transplant. :peace:


Active Member
Oh Okay thanks dude. Hey I have miracle grow plant feeder, it has a nice amount of nitrogen in it but i hear people growing ganja should stay away from it. You said Superthrive works?


Well-Known Member
The Superthrive isnt a plant food...Its pretty much vitamins and hormones. Its just a little something extra to help the plants.

Ive seen people do well with MG nutrients....I myself dont like it. If you're going to use it....start off 25%-33% strength. Maybe even lighter than that.


Well-Known Member
You pretty much won't know the strain unless you bought it from a seedbank or somehow got ahold of decent strain seeds from your own area.


Active Member
theres way to many strains out there that look similar it would be a hard call you might be able to guess about like what family or weather its sativa or indica but as for the exact strain you would have to be a able and even then i would dought it. any how best of luck to you and your little baby


Well-Known Member
Growing from bagseed you probably have about a 1% chance of finding out what strain you have. You will be able to tell whether its a sativa or indica, and depending on certain characteristics of the plant possibly even what family it is in. The problem is that there are so many different strains and so many crosses and hybrids that its damn near impossible.