transplating plants


Whats up... Im currently 10 days into flowering and the ladies are lookin great. They are growing fairly large now all about 2 feet in height. I have them in 2 gallon pots to try and keep them closer together under my t5 8bulb light. They are healthy but was wondering if there are signs of when to transplant to bigger pots. Should i transplant them during flowering? and if so, how do i go about transplanting them? Peace


Well-Known Member
There isn't really much of a point of transplanting into flower
When I was growing in soil and I transplanted during the flower the roots didn't grow nearly as well as when in veg
I think you would be better off leaving them in the pots they are in
I mean you can transplant if you want and there will not be any bad side effects, it just isn't necessary
What size pots are you in now?


Active Member
I'd ease off on the transplanting. I'm sure every answer you get will be different - so, you have to find your own answer.
My approach is to disturb the plant as little as possible, but then again - sometime a good disturbing was what it took, to get going.
2 gallons sound very adequate pr. plant. I would work with what you have.
Happy grow!


would anyone know how to tell if you get root lock from not a big enough pot? or should i not be too worried about that since their into flowering and arnt growing as much root as in veg?

Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member
I think you would be able to tell because of stunted growth. You should not transplant when you're in flower because the roots aren't growing as fast as they were in Veg. Everyone will say to keep transplanting to a minimum. I say, keep transplanting to the Veg stage and no later. I always germinate, plant in a cup, then, at about 6 inches, transplant to a 1 or 2 gal. pot depending on the size I want. I've had 4 footers in 2 gal. pots and they were just fine.

You'll be just fine with a 2 gal. pot.


Active Member
A good way to transplant without disturbing the plant is to just cut away the bottom of the pot and set it into a larger pot, the roots will wind their way out the bottom, thats what they do.

But yea, I dont think you need to transplant from a 2 gallon pot if there is no stunting going on.