transporting clones

So I ran into an old friend who's going to give me a few clones for my disabled uncle. The thing is their not exactly clones yet.he doesn't clone but he said he would give me cuttings to take. And make into this possible to just take clipping? The two live about an hour away so if I just keep the clones wet where they were cut should they be fine? Or should I bring the little rapid rooter plugs my uncle has with me and do it at the itime of cutting and just transport like that.. Thanks riu
you can transport in water but id def recommend cloning on the stop and then drive the hour. it will only take a min o 2 longer than jus cutting and you will have much more success.
Jus get a lil water bottle cut top off an put like 3 cuts in there with a lil water. Take the top part of the bottle an set it cone down with cap off.. top halfs of cut spread around edge I've kept clones like this in my fridge for 2 weeks an still cloned they should survive for a few hours in a car as long as its not hella hot..or if u could get the water bottles to stand up in a cooler u would relly be good.


Well-Known Member
Yes just lay them i n a container have a spray bottle with you ,wet them after cutting and give them a spray again later, when you get home have the cloning powder ,water and sterilized scissors ready to go on a bench, then re-cut the cuttings further up the stem with the clean scissors, dip in water then in the powder and into the medium should be fine. :weed: