
Ok heres the deal, i had 4 beautiful healthy plants under lamps and now do to a move i had to transplant them to outdoors. heres what happened... when taking the plants out of the pots only about 3-6 inches of the roots came with, the other foot or so broke off. so my question is will they still make it? or are they doomed? they are in good soil and get plenty sun.
the are roughly 20" tall, they where inside for about 2 months. checked them today. one is slightly droopy, others look more perky. i guess only time will tell.

Brick Top

New Member
You are still in veg, right? If so, cut back the plants, they will need less roots to support smaller plants. That is why the plants are drooping, not enough roots to supply all that the plants need.

If you do not have any pick up some SuperThrive and use it for each watering until flowering begins. It helps growth and it helps plants heal/repair and it helps plants overcome shock.

Basically follow Uncle Ben's Topping Technique, not cutting as low though, and let the roots regrow as your plants regrow.