Travel in Asia


Well-Known Member
Every 90 days i leave the country (korea) because i'm here on no visa at the moment. i use these occassions to go travel. so far in the past [almost a] year, i've been to singapore, hong kong twice, japan, xiamen china...

anyway, i've gota leave by the 25th of november. my boys coming to visit me in korea from new york, but he's stopping in hong kong on the 29th. i was gonna go to hong kong and meet up with him but he's busy the first week.

i'm trying to pick a spot to go and i wanna pick one by the end of the week. any riu members in asia that would be able to help me burn a lil something when i visit? if not, anyone have any suggestions? i'm learning chinese so i was thinkin maybe china and bag some chinese bitches. i'm traveling alone this time, usually went with my girl. i'm not trying to go far and im not staying over a week since i'm going to amsterdam next month.

china, japan...taiwan? thailand? what i'm looking at to pick my spot is really just the pussy and the tree.


Well-Known Member
i can't read all of that..what's it say? i can only make out some of those characters - study, chinese, little boy.

but none of those sound interesting to me...especially the xiao nan part.


Well-Known Member
영어로 적으면 읽이편하지. 영어로 질문을 물었는데..왜 중국어로 대답을하냐? 중국어 이제 겨우 한달 배웠는데 그걸 어떡해 읽어;;;

모두 다른 언어로 리플 달면 어뜰까??

암튼, 내 질문에 대답이나해라.


Well-Known Member

Less are read in English. English question water.Why the Chinese answer to? Chinese now barely a month to read the registration it;;;
All other languages if the air gardening ripple month??
Cancer Elton, my questions answer I.


I personally have no experience too far out of my state, but I've had several friends that have lived in and visited thailand that speak highly of the place.


Well-Known Member
lol the korean translation was i just read that twice..hilarious tho, Cancer Elton.hahahahaha

yeah...i might go to phuket next month before boy has an open house there and a good connect...right by the beach..lots of reggae bars..and one of the sex capitals of the much pussy there and for so cheap..and if you can show em a good time and party, you can fuck them (hookers) for free. phukets def up on my list.


lol the korean translation was i just read that twice..hilarious tho, Cancer Elton.hahahahaha

yeah...i might go to phuket next month before boy has an open house there and a good connect...right by the beach..lots of reggae bars..and one of the sex capitals of the much pussy there and for so cheap..and if you can show em a good time and party, you can fuck them (hookers) for free. phukets def up on my list.
thailand is well known as a party country.... a bunch of amphetamines over there, so I guess they gotta find something to do :)


Well-Known Member
worrrrd...maybe ill just go to thailand alone...idk i'm thinking japan too..i really love jap broads and wouldn't mind fuckin a few while im over there. but chinese girls in china are fuckin hot too..ahhhh love all shades of pussy

my boy sent me these videos a while back jut to see what its like over there..vids prob don't do it justice




Well-Known Member boy tells me about that shit all the time..all the europeans and americans fuck a bunch of post-op trans and brag about how hot the girls they just fucked no homo, but some of them 'braods' can pass as's fuckin insane...but all post-op and pre-op trans's are located in certain blocks and my boy knows the neighbrohood so i think i'll be good.

i might go for thailand..but japan's high on my list too, i have an old jumpoff over there and i wana fuck some jap broads so i may go for a few days