I agree with Danny danask around once youre out here. You'll be skiing so look for clustered tracks going in to dense trees and follow your nose.
...and to be specific, a Colorado red card...I live this as an affirmative defense patient. I'm happy to grow for myself, but I have to skulk around to get genetics. In fact, I'd like to get my hands on the low-THC stuff from Israel, but I can't even get them to answer my calls (I'm figuring there's no way that's even half-way legal to get their genetics into Colorado.)I guarantee no stores will sell to you without paperwork.
the old "skunk" in the trees ahahahaask around once youre out here. You'll be skiing so look for clustered tracks going in to dense trees and follow your nose.
HAHAHA this is a winning strategy. See ya on the mountainask around once youre out here. You'll be skiing so look for clustered tracks going in to dense trees and follow your nose.
Correction - it will still be illegal to sell, unless you are a licensed retailer or wholesaler. You will be able to gift up to an ounce though. If you wanna charge for the bag and give the flowers for free that is up to you, but it could be risky...Not only that! In January it won't be illegal to sell under an ounce. It's gonna take time to get that through our heads!