Traveling with edibles


Active Member
Vacationing in Jamaica, I know I can get flower there but the quality is hit or miss. I’d like to pack some edibles I’ve made and bring them into Jamaica. Anyone have experience with this? Suggestions? I know better than try to bring back anything. US Customs have dogs sniffing the luggage as you stand in line at the first airport you hit inbound.
Better off making edibles with something purchased there. Most good concierges over there will get you whatever you need and leave it in your room
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I flew into Paris last year with edibles and cartridges. Just mix them into a trail mix and throw some nicotine carts and thc carts in a bag together.

Done this in the Dominican as well. Those folks are not trying to stop you from having a blast on your vacation if you just have some personal stuff. Just be smart.
Vacationing in Jamaica, I know I can get flower there but the quality is hit or miss. I’d like to pack some edibles I’ve made and bring them into Jamaica. Anyone have experience with this? Suggestions? I know better than try to bring back anything. US Customs have dogs sniffing the luggage as you stand in line at the first airport you hit inbound.
I doubt they would bother you inbound, but I wouldnt risk becoming federally fucked over a few brownies when you are going to the land of 20 dollar half lbs
Vacationing in Jamaica, I know I can get flower there but the quality is hit or miss. I’d like to pack some edibles I’ve made and bring them into Jamaica. Anyone have experience with this? Suggestions? I know better than try to bring back anything. US Customs have dogs sniffing the luggage as you stand in line at the first airport you hit inbound.
just eat it all before getting into the controll... itll take some time til it effects... but youll have a blasting start for your vacation!
it depends wholly on where you fly out of. LAX for instance has stated that they wont stop you for less than an ounce in a carry-on. im sure this applies to edibles too. the only relevant laws then would be the laws in jamaica, where i believe marijuana is decriminalized. so you'd in all likelihood be totally fine.

but, my 2 cents: bad idea. unnecessary. go on vacation to experience the weed that is in the place your going to!